How Much Vitamin C You Should Take A Day?


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Why It’s Necessary To Take Vitamin C In The Right Proportion?

You may have noticed that Vitamin C is in full trend these days! Whether it be supplements or skincare products, you will see Vitamin C serum in most of them. There are even Vitamin C serums used to treat dull and uneven skin tones.

Have you ever wondered why most immunity enhancement and skin rejuvenating products are inscribed with a good amount of vitamin C?    

Well, this is because of its impressive benefits. Regularly taking an adequate amount of vitamin C improves your overall well-being and keeps you away from diseases. But despite its numerous benefits, you need to make sure the amount of vitamin C you are taking is right for you.  

Yes, you need to take the right proportion of vitamin C because it is daily acidic and can be unstable if you take it excessively. So, what’s the right amount of Vitamin C you need to take every day, and how to get the most out of it? Read on to know about the importance of vitamin C and how to balance it in your daily diet.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most important and safest vitamins you need to take every day. It is a water-soluble vitamin that helps in:

  • Normal growth and development
  • Iron absorption 
  • Protecting against immune system deficiencies
  • Supporting cardiovascular disease
  • Keeping prenatal health problems away
  • Improving skin and eye health

Vitamin C also works as an antioxidant that can protect against harmful molecules, known as free radicals, which may cause the development of several health conditions, like heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Also, it protects you against toxic chemicals and pollutants like cigarette smoke.

But our body does not synthesize it on its own. That’s why we need to take it from external sources to fulfill the body’s daily requirement. 

The good sources of vitamin C are:

  • Citrus fruit, such as oranges and orange juice
  • Strawberries
  • Potatoes
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Blackcurrants
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli

But sometimes these fruits and vegetables are not enough for your body? And it becomes daunting to know how many fruits you have to eat daily to balance vitamin C intake.

A vitamin C supplement can help you with this. Supplements come with proper labeling and instructions that allow you to take the right amount of vitamin C. Many people are now moving towards vitamin C supplements. According to the 2012/2013 CHMS, almost 22% of Canadians took a Vitamin C supplement.  

What’s the recommended amount of vitamin C?

The recommended daily amount of vitamin C for adults is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day. 

The deficiency of vitamin C in your body, over time, can affect collagen formation. It can break down various tissues in your body and affect your natural healing capacity. A persistent vitamin C deficiency can even lead to an illness known as scurvy. 

On the other hand, taking excessive vitamin C can be harmful. Megadoses of vitamin C might cause:

  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • Headache
  • Abdominal cramps

Key benefits of Vitamin C

  • Antioxidant powerhouse

Vitamin C is a powerhouse of antioxidants that helps in the skin’s natural regeneration process, and repairs damaged skin cells. It helps minimize the damage by neutralizing free radicals.

  • Boost collagen

A vitamin C serum is extremely beneficial in speeding up the production of elastin, which keeps the skin firm and plump. It also prevents skin from prematurely aging through control and prevention.

  • Photoprotective

Vitamin C has photoprotective effects. That’s why it is also used in sunscreen. It prevents your skin from undesirable sun damage.

  • Prevent against stress

Lack of vitamin C in the body is associated with stress that can affect your overall well-being. Maintaining the ideal amount of vitamin C in your diet can also help you improve your overall health.

  • Prevent against Cold

Although Vitamin C is not a cure for the common cold, some studies show that it can prevent more serious complications. The chance of developing further complications like pneumonia and lung infection in a person taking adequate amounts of vitamin C are very less in comparison to the person who lacks vitamin C.

  • Brightening

Vitamin C is also good in tackling skin discoloration by inhibiting tyrosinase (an enzyme that helps produce melanin – natural skin pigmentation). It helps brighten overall skin tone and fade dark spots. 


Vitamin C is a necessary and extremely beneficial vitamin. But be sure not to exceed the recommended amount of daily vitamin C intake. Vitamin C aids in various functionalities of the body and supports overall health. It is recommended to include vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables in your food and take multivitamin capsules to leverage your health.

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