How mobile technologies will help in the war against corona virus outbreak?

Let’s check out how digital mobile technologies have the potential to significantly slow down for this global outbreak.

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COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm. As per the latest data, 213 countries and territories have registered approximately 7.1 million positive cases and the numbers are mounting in a rapid pace. As a response to this situation mobile app developers think up the new ways to deal this exigency using technology. So in this plight implementing digital technologies properly can become pivotal weapons. Corporate sector, financial services, healthcare, education, and retail are the major industries that are most closely associated with human-to-human interactions, so let’s check out how digital mobile technologies have the potential to significantly slow down for this global outbreak.

Virtual office

This corona virus pandemic up rise a new way of working for employers all around the world -a virtual work space -to empower the employee by enabling a seamless workplace at their home. Companies can utilize many digital technology enabled solution like communication tools, team collaboration software, project management solutions and HR management solutions etc. to ensure the professional cadence of employees even in a virtual office.


The covid-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of e commerce services. .Ecommerce is not a new story, the solutions like Inventory management system, ERP solutions, drop shipping management, payment gateways and data analytics etc. makes the process of online shopping easier and more secure in this critical situation.

E-learning solutions

As the schools across the world are shutting down, E-learning is the biggest patron for the students in this critical condition. Custom e-Learning solutions, learning, Mobile, Gaming-based learning, School management software, Library management solutions etc. are some of the most widely used education solutions. An eLearning platform offer a number of benefits including, a classroom experience in home, flexible timescale, individually-focused learning ,making children tech-savvy, more engaged and interactive students.

Mobile healthcare

mHealth refers that innovative  mobile applications leveraging trending technologies like Artificial intelligence, which are ready to deliver healthcare services  on your fingertips. The digitalization of healthcare helped both professionals and the public to stay public stay up to date about the disease, maintain communication, and allow better strategic planning are now being highlighted more than ever before. 

Financial software solutions

In this problematic period banks need to ensure social distancing. Financial sector also utilizing technology trends to combat COVID-19.Banks are providing all the functions they need through that their digital channels.Finanical companies can utilize the solutions like Digital payment solutions, lead management software, loan management solutions, chatboats for banks and investment management solutions to stay their business afloat even amid an epidemic.


Now the entire world is buzzing with Corona pandemic uncertainties and social distancing is something that everyone should follow. In situations like such, on-demand apps are being really helpful which can offer secure services.

About Author:

Manjusha is working as a senior digital marketing analyst at DxMinds Technologies, the leading mobile app development company in Dubai. She is a content strategist and written on various technology topics to build massive publicity.

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