How Long Does a Human Hair Wig Last?

Tips Tricks

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When purchasing a wig made of a human hair (as, indeed, any other wig), we want it to last as long as possible. And what can such a hairpiece offer us in this sense? According to the manufacturers, 100% human hair wigs without any synthetic fibers can please their owners for 1-3 years.

However, there are so many ifs in the question of using a wig that it is just impossible to say that it will last you exactly a year or three unequivocally. We are sure that you like the second option more. However, you can follow this scenario only if you take care of your second hair correctly. So, let’s figure out what affects the life of a wig made of natural hair and how it can be extended.

What affects the life of a 100% natural hair wig?

Some enjoy a flawless hairstyle three years after buying a wig, while others are sad to see it turn into a kind of washcloth by the end of the first year of use. Why can the life of hairpieces be so different? Let’s look at the most important factors.

Hair Quality

First of all, the type and durability of a natural hair wig directly depend on the raw materials chosen for its production. Today, these accessories are made from four types of human hair:

  1. European (Caucasian). This hair is moderately dense and textured, looks very natural, and is good for any styling. However, their supply for the market is still rather low, so wigs made of European hair belong to VIP products.
  2. Indian. This hair is the closest to European in density and pliability, but it is a little more textured, and that is why there may be some slight difficulties with styling.
  3. Indonesian. Natural Indonesian hair is most often used in ethnic-style wigs. Due to the saturation of the market, these products are quite affordable.
  4. Chinese. Chinese hair is very dense, round, and therefore absolutely straight. It is very difficult to make curls or waves on a wig from this hair, but if you need perfectly straight tresses, this is a great option.

For the durability of the wig, such a factor as processing technology is also important. Natural hair is not used in a wig as it is. Specialists thoroughly clean all the hairs, comb them delicately, and then color and create a growth line. If the process is carried out as efficiently as possible and a minimum of synthetic additives is used (for example, silicone for softness), the wig will be durable and will last a long time. True, high-tech processing will affect its price, but beauty is a cruel mistress, isn’t it?

Frequency of Use

Everything is quite obvious here: the more often you wear your wig made of natural hair, the faster it wears out. For example, if you put your delightful wig on just on some special occasions (say, 2-3 times a month), it can last about three years or more. However, if you can’t imagine your daily going out without a wig, then it may last for a year – and this is a maximum for that. Of course, everything depends on other factors but we have presented you with the most likely terms.

Length Of Human Hair Used In Wigs

There is some sad news for long-curl fans: the longer the hair of your wig is, the shorter its life is. The fact is that long natural strands become spoiled because of regular and persistent combing, tangling and detangling, friction on skin and clothing, and even styling. Those who prefer bobs and pixies will be a little luckier: these cuts (and cheap wigs from Unice) are less susceptible to negative physical effects.

Correct Maintenance

Some girls do believe that the wig does not require any care because this hair, although 100% natural, is not their own. However, this misconception must be dispelled because the durability of your wig depends on it.

Falling apart of the cap, tarnishing, tangling, tearing, and even falling out – are just some of the consequences of neglecting your natural hairpiece. We are absolutely sure that you do not want this, and therefore you should give your accessory the care it needs – from proper washing and drying up to combing and styling.

Inappropriate Drying

We have already mentioned that a natural hair wig should be dried correctly. And here’s another reason for that – to prevent the structure of the product from disruption. The fact is that the strands of hair are attached to the cap with knots, and frequent use of a hairdryer weakens the ties. That is why you should not rush all the time: let the wig dry naturally or at a very low temperature of the hairdryer.

Incorrect Storage

If even your shoes, dress, or jacket need proper storage, then what can we say about a natural hair wig? There can be no other opinion here: it is impossible to throw it anywhere at home or somewhere else. Hundreds of girls have already paid for their negligence by purchasing a new wig less than a year after buying the previous one. Nothing spoils the look of your hairpiece so much as non-compliance with the rules of its storage.

Ways to Extend the Life of a Human Hair Wig

Of course, we will say a scary thing but still: even your own hair can grow back after unsuccessful coloring, perming, or improper care. However, this won’t work with a natural hair wig because it will grow worse irreversibly. We will be happy to give you some valuable tips, thanks to which you will keep your favorite accessory flawless for as long as possible.

Reduce Frequency of Use

This advice is quite obvious, but if you still disagree deep inside, there is a reasonable solution. Get another wig (or even two, if you can afford it) and wear them alternately. All your natural hairpieces will give you the joy of transformation and at the same time will wear out much slower. We are sure that you have nothing against such a scenario.

Wash and Сondition Regularly

Human hair is human hair, even if it is already cut off and gathered in a wig. That is why it is important to provide them with regular washing and conditioning. For this, a wig made of natural hair will thank you for its excellent shine, bounce, and healthy natural look.

By the way, do not forget about the instructions that are attached to every good wig. They contain all the care information, and all you need to do is just follow the recs.

Use the Right Products

This advice follows from the previous one. Only the right tools and products will provide full-fledged care for your natural hair wig. They prevent the rapid occurrence of such unpleasant things as over-drying, thinning, and split ends.

Minimize Processing Treatments

Everything is just as simple here: the less often you color your natural hairpiece and apply hot styling, the longer it retains its perfection. Of course, we understand that you like experiments, but it would be rather nice to observe the golden mean when using a wig made of natural hair.

Store Properly

We have already told you how important it is to store wigs correctly. Silk and satin bags and original packaging will become your assistants in this matter, as well as wig hangers and stands. In the latter case, it is better to hedge and cover the accessory with a light cloth or the packaging itself so that it does not get dusty.

As you see, you don’t need magic or superhuman efforts to prolong the lifespan of your natural hair wig. All you need is a little patience and attention to the accessories that make you so new and beautiful. We hope that our advice will come in handy and that your wig will last several years at least.

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