How Is Wonder Wafer International’s Air Freshener Different from Other Air Fresheners?

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Wonder Wafers are the “first of their kind” in introducing ultra-scented Wafer Air Fresheners to the public. The company came up with such a brilliant environmentally friendly idea that it was granted the first U.S. Patent in 2000, the second in 2011, and the third in 2021, along with more pending.

After their introduction in late 1999, Wonder Wafers became popular and are now the preferred Air Freshener for many industries worldwide. Over one billion Wonder Wafers have been sold globally! Their products appear to have no limits. They can be placed in various places, including automobiles, boats, planes, R.V.s, hotels, lake houses, homes, lockers, gym bags, and offices, almost anywhere and everywhere when used as directed. 

What Makes Wonder Wafers Different? 


They discovered that only one material effectively absorbed and permeated air freshener perfume oils. Cotton, cloth, cork, plastic, felt, wood and various other materials were all subjected to extensive testing over a three-year period. Every single one of these carrier mechanisms was a colossal failure! Only the specially woven paper blend that was developed, rigorously tested and approved, and continued to be used today passed the test, and it performed flawlessly!


The brand took several years of trial-and-error testing to perfect a proprietary formulated blend of high-grade lifters and aromatically precise perfume oils. Their formula worked so well and was so unique after it was completed that it was granted three U.S. Patents with more to follow in later years.


The specially woven blend of paper also allows the company to print critical information directly on the wafer. 

The Other Side of The Story

Compared with other leading air fresheners on the market, Wonder Wafers was one of the safest and most environmentally friendly. It worked far superior to the others. 

Here are some of the risks of using flammable air fresheners.

Most Aerosol sprays contain toxic or environmentally hazardous ingredients. Xylene and formaldehyde are two highly toxic chemicals found in many aerosol sprays.

Adults, children, and family pets are all at risk from these toxic ingredients, including neurotoxins and carcinogens. This chemical combination, when sprayed, poses a severe threat to the environment and our health.

People should also be concerned about the surfaces on which these toxins settle, as well as the risk of inhaling toxins that have become aerosolized in the air. Once exposed to surfaces, these substances transfer to your hands and can quickly end up in your mouth. Most people aren’t aware of this danger posed by aerosols, but it’s far more widespread and dangerous than they think.

Some additional risks can be:

  • Eyes, skin, and throat irritation.
  • It can cause death if ingested by pets or people.

Therefore, using Wonder Wafers is not just safe but also environmentally friendly and effective. They are used and trusted worldwide!

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