How Do You Become a Successful Entrepreneur?


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Entering the world of business can be compared to the experience of being a fish out of water. These days, many graduates have altogether abandoned the idea of a regular 9-5 job structure. They are increasingly seeking independence and creativity in how they earn a living. Being employed under someone guarantees no room for even a vacation. 

There is a popular notion that business is the easiest way to make money. Therefore, before a newbie sets forth a motion of standard blunders, it is wise to understand the Six Sigma approach to doing business. Then, in hindsight, what might sound like the name of a frat house can save one from destroying their life’s work.

What Is Six Sigma?

In simpler terms, it is a concept that enables one to organise their business to optimise efficiency: fewer mistakes with faster results which are driven entirely by data analysis.

First developed by Motorola, there are now certified courses offering this branch of business studies. Therefore, it is imperative to apply what is learned from this ideology intended for quality and damage control.

Mathematically speaking, the probability of an error happening within millions of manufactured outputs can be reduced to 3.4. As random as it sounds, it improves time management with the least probability of defects from occurring. 

What Does It Entail?

A focus group analyses where the company is going wrong and comes up with a strategy, and the flaw, solution and goals are outlined by the team. The problem is studied from the grassroots level, and then the hindrances are eliminated. Certain efficiency measures are also put in place so that it doesn’t bounce back to square one.

This is where this system falls into place. A team is tasked with removing any inputs contributing to wastage, sub-quality products and loss of resources.


There are levels of expertise within this domain called the belts. Depending on one’s educational qualifications, professional experience, and application frequency, one can start learning at any level. Dropping or advancing into a belt will depend on one’s skill.

Yellow Belt

For the absolute beginner, this means starting from the rock bottom of the hierarchy. Get acquainted with the basics, like understanding the methodology and tools.

Green Belt

A level that is between beginner and intermediate, it dives into detail about the Lean Sigma technique. This includes tools and concepts.

Black Belt

An advanced playing field that centres on how the learner can employ the skills in the actual management of projects. Utilising the tools learned is an inevitable part of the process. Taking the lead on projects is what pushes people to take the calculated risks. One will be certified in their field experience to show the positive transformation of the business they were involved in.

Master Black Belt

The top of the hierarchy awards the title of expert. 

This gives flexibility professionally that allows the practitioner to greenlit projects while also mentoring other aspirants. It goes without saying that for a level that involves coaching others, experience as a professional and problem solver is absolutely necessary because there will be situations where one sets the standards for others to follow.

The question of whether this will help with one’s business is bound to occur to you. With the right team, Six Sigma always shows positive results.

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