How Do The Westerlies Benefit The People Of Western Europe? From Mild Summer To Abundant Rain, Understanding Westerlies’ Crucial Role & Impacts


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The westerlies, winds flowing to east from west, share a crucial role in shaping the climate of many regions including Western Europe. Many say that if it was not for this, milder temperatures and consistent rainfall might not be possible. However, not to say, its role goes beyond this, creating a comfortable environment and supporting overall geographical development. Taking a step further, we will discuss how do the westerlies benefit the people of western Europe in this post. 

Define Westerlies

The westerlies are actually the winds that blow from west to east in the middle latitudes of Earth, generally between 30 and 60 degrees latitude in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Not to mention, though these winds actually play a crucial role in shaping weather patterns and ocean currents. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, westerlies go from the southwest to the northeast, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they blow in the different direction, from the northwest to the southeast. This happens because of our earth’s rotation and the heating caused by the sun. 

As the warm air near the equator rises, though it creates a low-pressure area. In which, the cooler air from higher latitudes rushes and starts flowing. In addition, these winds are important for overall geography. From agriculture to sailors and aviators, this plays a major role.

How Do The Westerlies Benefit The People of Western Europe?

To moderate the climate and make the conditions mild and moist in the region, it plays an important role here. Carrying maritime air from the Atlantic Ocean, though these winds go in the direction of the west. As this air moves in the western part of europe, it brings moisture and helps the temperature by keeping it in moderate. 

This moderating effect shares a major role in the temperate climate of this part of the area, making winters less harsh and summers more comfortable, if we are to compare these regions with others.

In addition, it also has an important role in agriculture as well. Because of the moist air, it helps maintain proper rainfall, making good conditions so crops can grow. This is how do the westerlies benefit the people of western Europe by taking care of the overall climate and region.

Are Westerlies Different in Western Europe Than Others?

Image: Quora

Yes, westerlies are not the same everywhere and they work in a different way in western europe than in other regions. These winds, which actually go from west to east, help make the air better and suitable for agriculture and people. To put it in short, they play a major role by making winters not too cold and summers not too hot, maintaining overall moderate temperature.

How Westerlies Affect Agriculture in Western Europe?

Westerlies affect agriculture in western europe in many ways, including:

·         It makes the air moist, helping make sure the rainfall is good.

·         It also contributes to temperature, making winter and summer comfortable so crops can grow without much difficulty.

·         It helps in making good conditions for agriculture throughout the year.

·         Using them, it gets quite easy to know how the weather would be.

Difference Between Easterlies and Westerlies

Image: Quora

Easterlies are those winds that go from the east direction to the west direction, mainly found around the equator and in the polar regions. Near the equator, they are known as the trade winds, blowing mostly towards the west. However, they are actually called polar easterlies in the polar regions.

Although, westerlies blow from west to the east direction mostly in the middle latitudes, between thirty and sixty degrees in both of the hemispheres. It flows from the southwest to the northeast, if you are in the northern hemisphere. Though, in the southern hemisphere, it blows from the northwest to the southeast.

Westerlies and Trade Winds

Not like westerlies that mostly blow from west to east in the middle latitudes between thirty and sixty degrees, trade winds are those which go to west from east near the equator.

Prevailing Westerlies

The prevailing westerlies in western europe mostly go from west to east, playing a crucial role in the changes in the weather, currents of the ocean, as well as temperature and precipitation in these regions.


By now, you should have gotten a fair understanding of how do the westerlies benefit the people of western Europe. Without them, temperature and rainfall might not be in favor of the people, causing difficulty in climate and affecting the overall agriculture sector. These winds help make better and more favorable conditions so crops can grow easily. In short, they are essential for the well-being of all and not just one continent.


What does westerlies mean?

Not like Easterlies that blow to the west from the east, Westerlies go to the east from the west.

Exactly how do the westerlies benefit the people of western europe?

If it wasn’t for Westerlies, people won’t be able to get the warm equatorial winds and waters.

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