How Do I Manually Claim NFT?


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Before knowing the claiming process you should know about NFTs. You should know what is special about it, how it is made, where to mint and how to buy and sell and also how to encash it.

NFTs are crypto-assets that record the power of a digital object such as a picture, video, or text on the blockchain. If anyone can view or download this asset is a question. Only the buyer can claim to be official owner of this.

From a street artist turned digital creator to a graphic designer, NFT have created a new space for selling and buying of digital arts. An NFT network has garnered attention from collectors, investors, celebrities and many other people.

With getting much popularity it gives the artist chance to sell their art in huge sums. These medium organize online auctions of arts and act as a medium between seller and buyer. Content creators call sell their work from anywhere and a buyer can access the art or participate in the auction from anywhere.

Before making a NFT you should know about the process. It does not require extensive knowledge of crypto industry. Before you start you have to decide on which blockchain you want to issue your NFT.

Ethereum is the most popular blockchain service where NFT can be issued. The number of NFT networks is increasing day by day like Binance smart chain, cosmos, tron etc.

Ethereum offers the largest NFT ecosystem. To mint a NFT art, music or a video on the blockchain you will need ethereum wallet that support ERC 721 such as coinbase wallet, metamask, trust wallet etc. In a coinbase wallet you can buy ether in exchange of dollars or else you have to buy cryptocurrency from exchange and add to your wallet.

After that you have to connect your wallet with NFT centric platforms. Then you can upload your chosen image or file that you want to make it a NFT. The main ethereum nft networks are Opensea, Rarible, etc. provides the options to create NFT on their platform.

Make a digital file of your art form in formats like jpegs, mp3, Txt. Etc. and upload the file and mint it. The minting process requires a complete blockchain technology. This process is quite expensive but once you mint your art then you can add commission if the art is resold again in the digital market.

Buying an nft in not so easy task you have to decide from what marketplace you want to buy nfts. If you have the wallet to connect to the platform to purchase then it will not be hard to purchase Nfts. You need to have some ethereum in your wallet to purchase.

If you want to sell Nfts then you have to list it on market place and wait for the bids and if you got the highest bid then you can sell it. If you want to encash nft then you can buys and resale an nft or create nft and sell it online. Different companies offer different platform and there is a claim nft corner. You must have some ethereum to pay gas fees. By visiting the nft corner and giving right information and doing transaction you can claim NFTs.

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