How Difficult is it to Crack the MAT Exam?


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MAT, i.e., the Management Aptitude Test, is an exam organised by the AIMA (All India Management Association). The candidates who want to pursue a career in management can give this exam as many AICTE affiliated colleges accept candidates who score well.

Students who find it difficult to crack the CAT exam can also appear for this exam as its difficulty level is comparatively less. This is because the MAT exam is not designed for finding who is brilliant and most intelligent among the candidates, but it is designed to test a candidate’s aptitude.

However, that doesnā€™t mean that it will be easy to crack the MAT 2021 exam. You can consider its difficulty to be of moderate level. For a detailed analysis of this exam, letā€™s take a look at the section-wise topic list and the difficulty level of the individual sections:

Mathematical Skills

A total number of 40 questions related to mathematical skills are asked in the MAT exam. You will have to solve these questions in an estimated time of 40 minutes, i.e., you will get only 1 minute to solve each question.

The questions can be of moderate to difficult level. The questions on interest, percentages, profit and loss, work and time, and other Algebraic and geometric concepts will be asked.

Indian & Global Environment

You will need to answer a total of 40 questions related to Indian and global environment in the MAT exam. Most of the questions will be easy, and you will have to answer them in only 15 minutes so that you get ample time to focus on other sections.

The questions are based on topics such as economy, business, awards, books, and international events.

English (Language Comprehension)

You will have to solve 40 questions that are related to language comprehension (English). It will include topics such as synonyms, antonyms, errors in sentence formations, and substitution, which will be of easy to moderate level when it comes to difficulty.

You will need to solve all these questions in just 30 minutes to focus on other more difficult sections.

Data Analysis & Sufficiency 

Data Analysis & Sufficiency also comprises 40 questions, and you will need to answer these questions in approximately 35 minutes. Topics such as graphs, pie charts, data comparison, bar diagrams, and line graphs are covered in this section.

Your capacity to analyze and interpret different data forms will be tested through this section, and difficulty will be of moderate level.

Intelligence & Critical Reasoning

If you come across topics linked to assumptions, analogies, series, family relation, reasoning, etc., in the question paper, then it will come under the ā€˜Intelligence and Critical Reasoningā€™ section. The difficulty level of these questions will be moderate to difficult.

A total of 40 questions will be asked from this section, and you will have to answer them within 30 minutes to attempt the questions of the other section in time.

Final Thoughts

The questions related to mathematical skills, data analysis, and reasoning are more complicated than other sections. Therefore, you can go through previous years’ question papers to understand more about the MAT exam. The questions based on pie charts and graphs can be time-consuming. Therefore, you will need to practice them more to be able to solve them quickly. Also, attempt maximum passages because if you take more time to comprehend and answer questions based on passages, you will not be able to focus on other sections. Overall, it is not hard to crack the MAT 2021 exam if you prepare well and follow the right preparation strategies and guide from Toppers & Experts 

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