Helpful Tips to MinimisePain After Your Wisdom Teeth Surgery


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Wisdom teeth are “late bloomers” which grow out when you are between the ages of 18 to 26 years old. [1] Sometimes, they do not have enough room to grow out and it is necessary to remove them to avoid various complications brought about by “erupted wisdom teeth”.

If you are one of those who need to have your wisdom teeth surgically removed, are you worrying about what would happen and how to take proper care of your teeth post-op? Is there anything that you should do or avoid eating? Even though wisdom teeth surgery is generally safe and commonly performed, it is a surgery after all. Your apprehensions are well-founded.

To put it bluntly, the recovery from a wisdom teeth surgery can be a painful one. Nonetheless, unnecessary pain, infection, swelling and complications can be minimised if post-op instructions are followed closely. On the other hand, proper post-op care can help to ensure a speedy recovery. Let’s get started on addressing the things you need to know after your wisdom teeth surgery, shall we?

Also, read more about the cost of wisdom teeth surgery in Singapore!

What does the healing timeline look like? [2]

  • First 24 hours: swelling and bleeding can be expected. Blood clots will form.
  • 2 to 3 days: swelling of the mouth and cheeks should improve
  • 7 days: removal of surgical stitches
  • 7 to 10 days: the pain would usually go away by this time
  • 2 weeks: healing of mild bruising on face

What can I expect immediately after the procedure?

As theanaesthesiabeginstowearoff, painmaycreep in. Thisiswheretheprescribedpainmedicationswillcome in useful.

Swelling and bleeding can be expected within the first 24 hours. To stop the bleeding, pressure needs to be applied directly on the wound. Therefore, you will need to bite down on the surgical gauze which was given to you. You may find that by apply an ice bag on your cheeks – for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, it may help to relief the pain. You can cover the ice bag with a soft cloth to avoid skin irritation.If the pain persists and becomes unbearable, don’t hesitate to see the Emergency dentist in greenville.

Is there anything specific that you can’t eat?

Chewy, spicy and hard foods are definitely out while you recover from your surgery. Foods like chips, nuts and popcorn should not be consumed, especially during the first week to avoid re-opening the wounds. And do avoid alcohol as it can interrupt with the healing process!

For the first 24 to 48 hours, you’ll want to start with a liquid diet and soft food such as warm (but not hot) milk, blended soups and mashed veggies. Cold food like yoghurt and ice cream is a nice treat which can help to act as a cold compress and soothe the wounded tissue. Further down the recovery process, you can gradually begin to incorporate more semi-solid food such as scrambled eggs, mac & cheese and oatmeal.

Many patients find that they can resume normal eating within one week post-op.

A friendly reminder: you should let your hot food cool down before eating. And don’t forget to clean the surgical area as per your dentist’ recommendations.

How do I clean my teeth in the meantime?

For the first few days after your wisdom tooth surgery, it may be difficult and painful to open up your mouth, and what more, to brush them. During this period, a bottle of mouthwash will be very helpful. A word of warning, though: don’t rinse too vigorously, or else, you may risk dislodging the newly-formed clot.

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