Have You Been in the Real Estate Business for Many Years? Avoid Making These Mistakes on Your New Realtor Farming Postcards

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If you have been in the real estate business for long enough, you must have tried out farming to reach more clients. Real estate farming is perhaps the most effective way to target clientele in a specific location and farming postcards are one of the oldest, and quite frankly, among the most effective strategies for running a successful real estate marketing campaign.  

But what if your postcards are not delivering the kind of results you expected? 

While REALTOR farming postcards can be super effective, they have to be done right. If you keep making the same mistakes, you will never realize your goals. But what mistakes are we talking about? 

1. Not Personalizing Your Postcards 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your real estate postcard is making it too generic. If your message sounds general and does not resonate with your target audience, it will most likely get lost below the rest of the mail or end up in the bin. 

What you want is to have a personalized postcard that gets the reader’s attention the moment they lay their eyes on it. Something as simple as addressing your recipients by their name can be all that it takes for them to give you a call.  

2. Not Including a Good Call to Action 

Providing valuable information that resonates with your audience on your farming postcards and gets them interested is just one part of the equation. You must include a call to action (CTA) to get your audience to contact you about your services. 

Basically, a call to action prompts the target to take the next step. That is, to respond to your message by either calling or emailing you. Your marketing message is incomplete without a CTA, which is why you should always have a compelling one in your postcards.  

3. Coming Off as Too Pushy or Aggressive 

The purpose of farming postcards is, of course, to showcase your listings and help you generate some sales. However, that does not mean using aggressive or forceful language. Coming off as too salesy can be a turn-off for your audience, even if you do not mean to. 

Instead, focus on offering value by describing your services and adding attractive graphics to emphasize the message. Finish your pitch with a persuasive but professional call to action. 

4. Not Having a Refined Mailing List for Your Realtor Farming Postcards 

The success of your farming postcards directly correlates with the quality of your mailing list. Whether you buy or build your mailing list, you must keep updating and refining it to realize positive results. As you do not send farming postcards just once, you can track your results and improve your mailing list with every round to have high-quality leads only. 

Avoid These Mistakes and Begin Seeing Results with Your Postcard Marketing Campaign

If farming postcards have not worked well for you in the past, you have probably been making one or all of the mistakes on the list. So, re-evaluate your strategy with these avoidable errors in mind and start again. You will possibly be surprised by the difference in results.

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