Hair Breakage: What are the causes & How To Stop Hair Breakage?


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Are you also among the victims of hair breakage or hair loss? This is one of the biggest and most common problems that an individual suffers from whatever real natural hair or lace frontal wig (More lace front wigs visit here ). And it can be caused by a number of factors that we will discuss later. We often experience frizzy and coarse hair in our day-to-day life, but only a few of us are able to take care of it. Most of the time, people aren’t even able to tell whether they are suffering from hair breakage or not. Therefore, we will discuss anything and everything related to hair, such as: what are the reasons that cause hair breakage and what are the things that you can do to stop or prevent hair breakage. 

What is hair breakage?

Hair Breakage occurs when the outer or protective layer of our hair, also known as the cuticle, gets damaged and then gets lifted up. In short, unhealthy hair means hair breakage. Hair breakage can be a very frustrating and confusing issue. Hair breakage can also be defined as “the breaking of hair at the ends of hair shafts.”

How to tell if you have hair breakage? 

Unlike hair fall in hair breakage an individual suffers from dry and ragged hair. There are a lot of things that will help you to tell if you have hair breakage or not. Let’s get in the depth of the topic to detect whether you are suffering from hair breakage or not. 

  • If you also feel like after looking at your hair that it tends to look completely dry, then you might be having hair breakage issues.
  • Your hair will surely have split ends due to hair breakage.
  • You can check for hair breakage issues by comparing the hair texture between your crown and your neck. If you feel brittle hair while running your finger through your crown part and it is soft at your neck, then you might have a hair breakage issue. 
  • During hair breakage, many people more often experience hair fallout in the form of small, short, and broken pieces while combing. 
  • If you experience tangles while combing more often, then you might be having hair breakage issues. Because healthy hair tangles less often. 

What causes hair breakage? 

Hair breakage is such an issue that happens to everyone in their life. But the main culprit is poor hair care. It’s totally dependent on one’s daily routine. It can be caused by a number of different factors which are as follows:

  1. Bleaching and dyeing

Nowadays, getting coloured hair or changing hair types is in trend. To achieve the new hair colour or style, people go for bleaching and dyeing. But you must know that when you dye your hair it gets your hair’s protective layer to get open to let the colour in. But this may result in more fragile hair.

  1. Poor hair care routine

Due to the lack of time many people don’t follow a correct routine for their hair care. Following a poor hair care routine may result in dry, brittle frizzy and damaged hair. 

  1. Harsh handling

Many people usually give physical stress to their own hair without even knowing that they are handling their hair too harshly. Some common mistakes that we usually make are: 

  • Braiding hair too tightly
  • We are using heat styling tools more than we need to. 
  • Using outdated brushes and combs to style hair. 
  • Pulling out the snags of hair
  1. Lack of regular haircuts

Many people get their hair cut on any occasion, but you must know that having irregular haircuts can result in split ends. And these split ends for a longer time can make the hair break higher up or nearer the hair shaft. 

  1. Poor diet

A balanced diet plays a very important role in maintaining natural healthy hair. But a poor diet will cause your hair to become more brittle, dry, and cause hair damage. 

How To Stop Hair Breakage?

Hair breakage is a common problem. Most hair falls out in small pieces, but some falls out in large clumps. Breakage is usually caused by dry hair, fighting frizz with products, styling products, and environmental factors. Hair breakage can be frustrating, but it is usually treatable. There are a few things you can do to help prevent breakage and to help treat it when it does occur. If you want to keep your hair healthy and full of life, there are a few things you can do to prevent hair damage.

  1. Don’t overuse heat styling tools

Avoid using hot tools on your hair. This includes hair irons, flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers. All of these heat up your hair and can cause it to break and become damaged. Don’t use too much heat on your hair when blow drying. Be sure to use a cool shot to help seal in the moisture.

  1. Condition your hair after washing

Use a conditioner after you shampoo and condition your hair. This will help keep the hair hydrated and help prevent it from becoming damaged.

  1. Don’t use harsh chemicals

Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. These can damage the hair and make it less healthy.

  1. Keep your hair moisturized

When the hair wash day comes around, make sure to moisturise your hair using the correct and specialised hair moisturiser for your hair type. Or you can also use coconut oil or castor oil to keep the moisture on before washing. Moisturize your hair once or twice a week to help keep it healthy and prevent it from becoming damaged.

  1. Always be gentle with your hair

Another way to prevent hair breakage is to be gentle with your hair. This means avoiding harsh brushing and towel-drying and instead using a wide-toothed comb and letting your hair air dry whenever possible. When you brush your hair, be sure to start from the bottom and work your way up to avoid putting too much tension on your ends.if you cannot control it,considering using hair bundles


When it comes to hair, it is important to take good care of it. This means not only washing it often but also using products that will help to keep it healthy and strong. One of the best ways to prevent hair breakage is to use a hair mask regularly. This will help to seal in moisture and prevent the hair from becoming brittle. Additionally, using a hair treatment specifically designed to prevent hair breakage can also be a helpful step. When it comes to preventing hair breakage, it is important to take a variety of measures so that your hair can stay healthy and strong. I hope that after reading this article you have found the solution to how to stop hair breakage. In the end, I wish you healthy and long hair and thanks for reading this blog. 

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