Google has delayed the ban on tracking cookies till 2023

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Google has announced that they are going to delay their plans to block cookies of third parties from their Chrome Internet browser till 2023. Interestingly, these cookies are blocked by most of the rivals of Google, namely Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla. Many people are critical of this decision of Google as they feel that the ban decision will make the ad sellers forcefully go to the tech giant Google for this information set which they used to get earlier through the cookies. They consider it to be an unfair advantage. The main reason behind this decision is that Google is planning to replace the entire system with their own design, which they are claiming are better for privacy and after installation, the ad sellers will be able to do marketing with that newly framed design. Initially, the ban was till 2022, but of late they have decided to delay the ban till 2023. Their proposals are being investigated by the UK Competition and Markets Authority till now and their decision on this matter is pending.

With the advent of the Internet and the Smartphone, most gamers have shifted to online gaming as they want to play from the comfort of their home. Keeping up with the trend, many online casino gaming websites have come into the market and they are trying to do everything to woo new players and also keep the existing players with them. These websites also use cookies to track the movement of the players and other related activities like how much time they are spending in their website. These data are used to sell ad space to the advertisers. But online gamers must keep in view that not all of these websites are genuine and many of them run away with the players’ money. Hence it is always advisable to go to some reputed website like and get some idea about which casino is good or bad. They will guide you with the right steps and you will also get your money on time. It is always better to be in safe hands when you are playing online games.

Welcoming the move of the delay till 2023, industry experts have welcomed it and said that it is good news for the industry as small as publishers are dependent on it. Considering the fact that Chrome has got around 65% market share in the world browser market, it is high time that Google need to consult with various parties which are going to get affected by the decision. This includes that agencies, publishers, advertisers, and ad tracking and ad-tech solution providers. The new Privacy proposals which are being framed by Google are known as Privacy Sandbox. They are going to introduce something known as The Federated Learning of Cohorts or in short FLOC.

The basic idea is a particular browser will be enabled with FLOC and will collect the information about the browsing habits and the users with particular set of browsing habits will be assigned to a group or FLOC. Each of the groups will have an ID and that ID will show their interest to the advertisers who are interested to advertise.

Electronic Frontiers Foundation has protested against this formula as it seemed to them that every Internet user will begin with a confession and this is against their moral ethics. Google want to go away with the tracking of individual users.

Google’s director of product management, trust and ad privacy has said in a statement that there is no need for the users to accept being tracked in the web to get the fruits of online advertising. The third party cookies play a very integral and important role in the market of digital advertising. These cookies store the user data and help in improving the experience which the user enjoys on the website. They will track the activity online and also serve the targeted ads.

There is no need to accept getting tracked as the advertisers do not need to get track the individual consumers in the web to get the fruits of digital advertising. This is going to be a major and new trend in the world of digital advertising in the future. According to Google, the new formula is not going to end the era of targeted advertising but will provide the Internet users a more say in what they are seeing in the Internet. The users, from now on, will have much bigger control in terms of privacy perspective. Many users may opt and may not allow changing any of the settings.

Google senior level executives are of the view that technology has advanced enough which can help to keep the data and statistics of the users private. At the same time, it will serve the advertisers need without using the third party cookies.

As cyber hacking is increasing continuously for years and affecting the life of many people, it will not be possible to keep the Internet open further. Companies and service providers must come forward and take more concrete steps to protect piracy. Bank accounts of many people have been hacked and money worth millions of dollars has gone into the hands of the hackers. So, the concept of tracking the browsing habit of individual users must come to an end. What is the need of tracking every individual people when they are browsing the web? Due to this increasing trend of hacking, Governments of almost all countries are telling these giants to increase the protection of the Internet to discourage the hackers. It will difficult for them to hack if they do not get the individual access of the hackers.

Google is a major player in this context as they have a 65% share of the browsing market of the world. If Google can ensure the protection of their users, it will be a big step towards drive against hacking and Internet safety of the users. The digital ad market in the US is dominated by Amazon, facebook and Google as they have controlled about 62% of the digital advertisement revenue by the end of the year 2020.

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