Good News for All the Counter Strike Fans!


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Counter strike is a popular video game series and CS:GO is the fourth game of that series. It is a multi-player first person shooter game. It is basically an objective-based game where the game players need to perform certain tasks that they have been assigned to. The players are usually divided into two teams that play against each other. The teams are named as “Terrorists” and “Anti-Terrorists”. The players perform tasks like planting a bomb, defusing a bomb, capturing hostages, rescuing hostages, etc. After each round, the players are rewarded based on their performance. In case of any mistake like if a player accidentally kills someone from his own team, he gets to face a penalty for that. There are cash bonuses if a player manages to perform the assigned tasks. The player can use it later to upgrade the weapons in the upcoming rounds. The game usually has eight modes, namely – Deathmatch, Competitive, Arms Race, Casual, Flying Scoutsman, Demolition, Danger Zone, and Wingman. An offline practice mode has also been launched with the aim of teaching newbies about handling guns and grenades. This mode is known as “Weapons Course”.

Overall, the game received positive remarks from the critics but it also faced a lot of allegations like stream-sniping, match fixing etc. People predicted that the game wouldn’t survive for long, but to everyone’s surprise it did. The game proved every prediction wrong and managed to survive for years now. In fact, it is the 2nd most popular sport according to YouTube, Facebook Gaming, etc. There was a time when people used to spend around 13 million hours on Twitch just for watching Counter Strike. It has 200 million fans approximately out of which 120 million are “occasional” and 80 million are “enthusiasts”. Counter Strike is one of the most popular games of the world. It has fans all across the globe. Counter Strike fans all across the globe were disappointed previously because there wasn’t a dedicated news site for this game. The worries are over now as Pley brings you all the CS:GO news, live scores, statistics, etc. right on the palm of your hands . You just need to visit the website and you can get everything related to the game over there. So, what are you waiting for? Visit the website and dive deep into the Counter Strike gaming universe. The website was founded back in October 2020 in Denmark. This website is famous for having a young mindset. That is why it can connect with the young minds across the globe. You can access this website from any corner of the globe and can enjoy the CS:GO content. You don’t need to be a pro to visit this website. You can be a complete newbie and still enjoy the essence of the game. The website has legendary stories that you can start reading. You will be provided with adequate information and explanations that will help you to understand this game on a deeper level.

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