In the United States, around 33% of houses have basements.
Are you part of the third of homeowners that have some extra room below ground? Then you should consider yourself lucky! Some people would kill to have that extra room!
However, all that space can be daunting and you aren’t quite sure what to make of it.
Wondering what to do with your basement? Then it’s time to stop scratching your head. Here are 4 great basement ideas you should consider!
1. Basement Bar
Whether you want an adult space where you can retreat from the kids or you’re a wine connoisseur who wants to devote a huge area to your passion, a basement bar can be a fantastic idea!
This idea isn’t limiting either. From installing a wet bar and taps to having as close to a wine cellar as you can have, the sky’s the limit.
Getting a finished basement for this purpose might be a good idea. It can help make your basement more inviting and not so much like a cave.
2. Media Room
Do you have family members who complain that the TV is too loud whenever you’re watching movies or playing video games? Then convert your basement into a media room where you can retreat for some fun!
Feel free to go crazy with it too! Mount a larger than life TV on the wall and install state-of-the-art audio equipment around the room so you can be fully immersed.
However, before you get started, make sure the basement is completely dry. Otherwise, you risk water damage to your precious and expensive equipment. Getting service from a company like AmericanWaterProofers.com can be a wise idea.
3. Home Gym
Forget about a gym membership; with a home gym, all you have to do is go downstairs to work out!
Simply source some equipment, whether it’s brand new or used. Make sure you have some good basement flooring first, as these heavy pieces of equipment will need sturdy footing.
4. Laundry Room
All the above ideas are great for large basements. But what if yours is on a smaller scale?
Then a laundry room is a great idea! This allows you to free up more space in your home so you can make better use of things like your living room or garage.
This is also an excellent idea if you have kids and pets in the house. This gives you a place to not only do laundry, but also take care of any messes that might dirty up your living space upstairs.
Convert Your Basement Into an Awesome Space
After reading this article, no longer will your basement be empty wasted space. Instead, you’ll be able to put it to good use with our ideas, some of which don’t even require basement remodeling!
So get to work and convert your basement into a space you can be proud of. Good luck!
If you liked this article on basement ideas, then please take a look at our blog site for more home improvement ideas!