Getting Fit Without Spending a Lot of Money


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People learned a lot of lessons from COVID. One of the things that many people learned is that they don’t need fancy gym memberships to keep fit, and that it’s possible to stay healthy without spending a lot of money. It can seem like a big challenge to get fit and healthy on a budget, but it is possible with some adjustments to your lifestyle. 

Invest in some basic gym equipment for your home

While some exercise can be done without equipment, you’ll need some basic kit for workouts such as weightlifting. It’s worth buying dumb bell for home use, as you can use them in a wide variety of ways, they’re inexpensive, and easy to use. Most people find that cardio is easy to do at home, but weights can be harder, which is why it’s worth investing in decent weights for home use. You’ll use them over and over, and if it means you’re no longer paying for a gym membership, they pay for themselves over time.

Switch things up

Getting fit on a budget doesn’t mean you need to get bored. While some people like to stick to one sport, such as running or cycling, working harder to keep pushing themselves, other people prefer to do a different activity every day. As long as you stretch before your workout, and get your body moving and your heartrate up, this counts towards your cardio.

Not sure what kind of cardio you want to do this week? Why not try something from the list below:

  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Jogging in place
  • Water aerobics
  • Aerobics class
  • Walking workouts
  • Hiking

If you’re really stuck for ideas, fire up YouTube and you’ll find lots of cardio workouts that you can do in your living room for free.

Exercise with a friend

Another way to make exercise easier is to workout with a friend. If they’re more experienced in a certain activity, then this is even better, as you’ll be able to get advice. In return, you can teach them a sport you’re more familiar with! Some friends even share exercise equipment, which is an excellent way to buy the stuff you need and share the cost.

Get an off-peak membership

If you’re someone who does their best workouts in a gym environment, and you really do want to keep your membership, then look at ways to save on the cost. Opt for an off-peak membership, if possible, as this will usually save you quite a bit of money. Or choose a membership that’s just for the gym or classes, depending on what you use, rather than an expensive all-inclusive package.

Look out for no-frills gyms in your area. There are many cheap gym chains opening up that cost a lot less than a traditional gym and have all the equipment you need. However, they’re focused purely on the gym, and not the extras that make gym membership expensive. For example, they usually won’t have pools, saunas, or steam rooms, and they’ll usually only have basic classes rather than the latest fads, but you save a lot of money compared to working out at a large leisure centre type place. 

Eat a balanced diet

Working out and keeping fit simply doesn’t work if your diet is poor. That’s why you need to balance diet and exercise, but you don’t need to go on a faddy, expensive diet to get the proper nutrients. Follow Government healthy eating guidelines, such as eating oily fish and plenty of leafy vegetables. Most adults don’t need to take supplements, although it can be helpful if you think you’re not getting enough iron or the things your body needs. 

If you’re on a tight budget, you may think it’s an impossible task to get fit and stay healthy. While there are expensive diets and fitness regimes out there, you don’t have to use them, you can simply do your own thing. Cardio is easy to do at home, and there are lots of instructional videos for weight and strength training, as well as more specialised types of workouts. With lots of different information at your fingertips, it has never been easier to find what works for you, without spending loads of money.

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