Gaming Trends Online: MMORPG, and Casino Slots


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The subject of this article looks at the international investment of online gaming, but to home in on this in more detail, we have chosen to highlight a countries example of how they interact with online games. Sweden is a nation with a lot of gaming passion and there are a lot of games to be playing inside the world of the Internet. There is a lot to be learnt from the habit and acts of other people. Whether it’s a study into politics or science, the behavior acts of people is wholly educational and there should be interest in how this plays out in the realms of gaming because we are all ties into it. 

We’ll be looking at how Swedish players act online, what they engage in, what game type is more favoured, and we do this to learn if there are ways of adapting to better the qualities of interest that are felt amongst all players. 

The gaming passion within Sweden

We start our assessment of online gaming with the habits of players. This gives us a stable bearing on how both males and females engage with the collective games online. We derived the following data from a comparison site that you can visit here, which is Sweden’s number one site for reviewing licensed casinos and specializing in exclusive bonus content for Swedish players. 

Carita Gustafsson, Editor-in-Chief at Svenskaonlinecasino said this of Sweden’s gaming interests:

“You will see that gaming from a console device is much lower than that of the mobile, which when the data came in was the biggest surprise. What is clear is that console gaming is more structured around the day, unlike the mobile device which has a more random pattern.”

This table represents the figures for video gaming via a console such as Xbox or Playstation across a week.

Time Played Percentage of Players Female Male
0 – 1 Hour 31% 67% 8%
1 – 5 Hour 35% 28% 37%
5 – 10 Hour 13% 0% 23%
10 – 20 Hour 14% 5% 20%
20+ Hours 7% 0% 12%

This table represents the figures surrounding online gaming through a mobile smartphone device.

Time Played Percentage of Players Female Male
0 – 30m 79% 84% 77%
30 – 60m 11% 8% 12%
1 – 2 Hour 6% 8% 5%
2 – 5 Hour 5% 0% 7%
5 – 10 Hour 0% 0% 0%
10+ Hours 0% 0% 0%


Giving players the chance to profit

The results indicated within the tables above only show us a proportion of the engagement online. The ages of these people are between 13 and 18 years-old. With this age bracket, the most popular forms of gaming were from MMORPG title, this abbreviation stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, just in case you didn’t know. The gaming examples of this include the following:

  • Final Fantasy
  • World of Warcraft
  • The Elder Scrolls
  • Black Desert
  • RuneScape

Data recorded for players that are 18+ years of age, the gaming interests are predominately within the gambling sector of games. This presents various gaming options such as slots, poker, roulette, blackjack, lottery gaming, even online sports betting.

The pursuit of engagement was mostly dictated not by time spend but money spent. The average adult male spends roughly 800 Swedish Krona, which is near 100 dollars. Females will spend approximately the same. 

Gambling is something widely accepted within Sweden unlike countries like the US, Canada, and India. These countries must go online to be able to bypass gambling laws. In Sweden, casinos are available in the main cities and online. The state-run lottery in Sweden puts profits back into public spending and resource, including charity. 

Get a nomadic online

With gaming inside of Sweden, there is definitely a more less chaotic approach than what is seen in other countries. This is hugely indicative of the culture that work comes first and this obedience is shown in both sexes. Swedes are culturally a social people that harks back to their Viking roots. This is the suggestion as to why the Multiplayer Role-Play games are leading the interests of Sweden’s younger population. These games bring a togetherness, players are able to communicate whilst playing and coordinate their actions. With console gaming like this not being mobile-friendly, as yet those engaging must play at home and this, in turn, brings an order to when games are played and how long for.

We can see from the data in adult engagement with the game, that time is sparse as this the finances. Risk grows with the passing of time, something youths would discard. There is a very conscious level of approach in the minds of adults gambling.

Are these traits and habits the same outside of Sweden? Well, what we are sure of is that there is a shift in how games are played. Console gaming is certainly on the rise and more so within the eSports market. As for casino interaction, casinos have been on the rise for a number of years, but sports betting is seen as a bigger industry though adjoined with casino platforms. 

The future is unequivocally online, for all realms of gameplay. The entertainment factor will be ramped up to the max with the ever-growing digital age that is incorporating more and more AI along the way. How we play and how we bet will no longer be separated, they will become entwined. Gaming for the lucky few is a full-time job in the market of eSports and as basic gamers that stream their gaming online via social media platforms. We’re only at the start of this and its growth will be unimaginable beyond the avatars, competitions, and software yet to be created ahead of us.

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