Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bites

PetTips Tricks

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Being bitten by a dog or having a loved one or a friend become a victim of a dog bite is a stressful experience that no one can hope for. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do or where to start. It’s not your fault because these are accidents that can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. If you are a victim of a dog bite and want to know legal action that you can take, the best thing to do is to find a dog bite personal injury lawyer who can offer legal consultations and the way forward. Here are answers to your frequently asked questions about dog bites.

Who Is Responsible For A Dog Bite?

Dog owners are always responsible for the actions of their dogs. They must follow the leash laws according to the state they are in. If a dog runs without a leash and attacks a person or another dog, the owner is liable for their medical expenses. He also faces criminal penalties and fines for any bite caused by his pet because he is supposed to know any dog law in the state where he is living.

What Compensation Can I Collect For A Dog Bite?

If you take a dog bite legal action, you may be able to collect compensation for medical expenses, pain and sufferings, surgical cost, lost wages, counseling, and scars. Your lawyer will sum up all the compensation you are entitled to.  Don’t hesitate to get legal help from an injury lawyer, you need to get the justice you deserve.

What If I Was Bitten By A Friend’s Or Neighbor’s Dog?

It may be difficult to sue your friend or a family member who owned the dog that bit you. This can be a tough decision because you need compensation for your medical treatment and support. The best thing is that these claims are normally not filed against the individual dog owner but the dog owner’s renters or homeowners’ insurance company. So don’t feel guilty for claiming your rights because you deserve it.

How Long Does A Dog Bite Case Take?

Dog bite case depends on a few factors like whether you will settle the claim with the dog owner’s insurance company or you will go to trial. So there is no set period or a way to predict how long it will take to settle. The minimum is one to three months while it may take longer depending on your injuries.

What If I Was Bitten While Working at Someone’s Home?

In this case, it is the employer’s legal responsibility to keep you safe from any harm while you are working there. If he owns the dog, then he could have told you about it and kept you safe from it by confining it. So the best thing to do is to contact an injury lawyer to help you get a worker’s compensation.


It is devastating, emotionally, and financially challenging if you are severely injured by a dog. These are common cases where only taking a legal consultation can help you. Always consider getting in touch with an experienced and licensed personal injury attorney for assistance.

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