Five Reasons Why You Should Choose Lab grown Diamonds Over Mined Diamonds


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If this is your first time hearing about lab grown diamonds, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! As the name implies, a lab grown diamond is manufactured by technology in a lab. This means that lab-created diamond rings have the same quality as natural diamonds, with the difference being their origin. 

Since the industry started gaining traction, it has been proven to meet the essential criteria for every quality diamond known as the four C’s. These diamonds are made of carbon-rich gasses under high temperatures, ensuring low pressure, and are handled by experts in the field. The fact they are called lab grown doesn’t make them any less in quality than mined diamonds. 

The four C’s of a diamond which are cut, clarity, color, and carat, are essential, so if your fear is how genuine lab grown diamonds are, you have nothing to worry about. The question should be, why wouldn’t you want to buy lab grown diamonds, as they are the next best thing hitting the jewelry industry?

It is understandable to be skeptical about choosing from types of diamonds, especially if it’s for your big day. This article will explain why you should select lab grown diamonds for all your wedding sets. We will also provide answers to some questions that may have crossed your mind, so keep reading!

Five Reasons why you Should Choose Lab grown Diamonds Over Mined Diamond

If you’re finally at crossroads and can’t decide which to go for, then it’s a good thing you’re reading this. These reasons are explained in detail and will give you a nudge to make the right decisions. 

Let’s present the facts on why you should buy lab grown diamonds, so you know what you’re getting into.

  1. Less Expensive

There’s no denying that diamonds are expensive. While no diamond cuts are really cheap, lab grown diamonds are more affordable than mined diamonds for superficial reasons. 

It takes time, a workforce, and enormous resources to mine diamonds naturally. Meanwhile, lab grown diamonds don’t need to go through all of those technicalities. 

With lab grown diamonds, the formation process is controlled and shorter, which results in changes in the diamond price chart. The cost for other professionals, such as miners, polishers, cutters, etc., are all saved. 

It is only fair that the diamonds are less expensive. This means you can quickly get your diamond wedding bands, wedding rings, proposal rings, diamond pendants, and tennis necklaces, without having to empty your accounts.

  1. Knowing the Origin of your Diamond Jewelry

Although conscious efforts are being put into solving them, there is usually a lot of conflict surrounding mined diamonds. From the location they are being mined to the conduct of miners and other bodies involved. 

You can’t particularly tell sometimes. These mined diamonds may have gone through some unethical processes, so if you’re a believer in the energy of things, we suggest lab grown for your wedding day diamonds.

When purchasing wedding jewelry, especially wedding rings for women, they tend to pay attention to every detail. They want to know the origin of their engagement rings or diamond stud earrings, and that’s okay. Purchasing a lab grown diamond would help keep their mind at ease knowing where it came from.

  1. Environmental Implications

Nothing says sentimental, like choosing a solitaire engagement ring that ticks all your boxes, including environmental awareness. As expected, mining diamonds, as with most other natural minerals, have implications that are not exactly friendly to the environment and to the local people around the area where these diamonds are mined. 

While conscious methods are being put in place to make the process less harmful to its environment, wouldn’t you rather have a solitaire wedding ring that didn’t hurt the environment in any way?

True, lab grown diamonds still use energy to be manufactured but are nothing compared to mined diamonds. The environment, by design, controls the entire process. The growers are conscious of the power used, while you, in turn, get the solitaire wedding ring or your dream, making it a win-win for all.

  1. It’s Exclusive to you

Over the years, the origin of diamonds has been deeply rooted in history, some pleasant and others not so much. It has been known to be passed down from various generations across different people and seen as a thing for only specific people. 

While it may not entirely feel wrong, imagine the feeling of an original 3-carat diamond ring or diamond pendant you’ll be the first to wear.

Buying a lab grown diamond makes the experience all about you. What better time to make this decision than on your big day, when you can choose from various wedding ring shapes and diamond styles? 

These exercises amplify the entire process and worth of a lab grown diamond and make simple diamond tennis bracelets, for example, a lot more valuable.

  1. The Setting is Everything! Lab grown or Mined

If you’re still unsure which diamond to go for, then it is essential to note that the setting of your diamond will do the magic. 

Various engagement ring settings are available and ensure an accurate engagement ring size chart. It’s easy! All you have to do is come up with one that suits your style and watch it come out perfectly using a lab grown diamond. 

Be it a tennis bracelet, a diamond pendant, or an engagement or wedding ring. If the setting is done beautifully to your taste, there’s no telling if it’s lab grown or mined. Bearing this in mind, you can feel more comfortable buying a lab grown diamond, knowing it doesn’t alter how magnificent your wedding ring will be. 


Making a diamond choice for your big day is very important, which is why we have taken our time to help you decide on a diamond choice. These reasons are all facts and tell you why you should buy a lab grown diamond over a mined diamond. 

We are confident we’ve provided you with the valid information you’ll need. All you have to do is apply them. You’ll be glad you made the decision in the long run!

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