Five Best Software Companies In 2021

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Computers have become an essential part of our every day lives. Even more so since many have had to start working remotely. But just how useful would computers be if they lacked the programs that put physical hardware into practical use. The programs or data used are called software. Often businesses require support with the software they are using which is why making use of IT Support is a great idea. 

Software companies have become one of the key components within the tech industry. There are various types of software such as entertainment, business or security. All of which businesses providing Manchester IT Support can help with. Software has quickly become the backbone of many economies, businesses big and small rely on them for accounting, marketing, sales and other functions. Below are the top 5 software companies in 2021:

  1. Microsoft

It should come as no surprise that Microsoft is the biggest software company in the world. Their line of different software products such as Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer and Edge Web Browsers just to name a few is used by millions. 

Microsoft has achieved an incredible software sales revenue of $143.0 billion which why they are considered the world’s most popular software company. Their Office franchise alone ensures that they will continue to dominate the worldwide software market for years to come. 

  1. Adobe

Known for its multimedia and creativity software, Adobe provides amazing services to millions. Recently they achieved a record quarterly revenue of $3.91 billion in its first quarter of fiscal year 2021. This is an incredible growth increase of 26% year-over-year. 

  1. Oracle 

Oracle is the globally leading provider of Enterprise software as well as Software as a Service.  They have achieved a worldwide software sales revenue of $32.9 billion. 

Their software us mainly used in business fields such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). 

  1. SAP

Systems, Applications & Products (SAP) has a worldwide software sales revenue of $27.4 billion. They are just one of two companies that make the list that is not American. The German company is the largest software company in Europe, providing software for large enterprises – for example, their ERP software, SAP S/4HANA has functionality for finance, accounting, and much more. Businesses that are providing IT Support Financial Services companies need, help make using software that companies like SAP navigate easily through any issues that may arise. The primary focus of the company is providing its customers with Enterprise Software and Software as a Service. They are however the leading provider of Enterprise Resource Planning software. 

  1. Dropbox

Dropbox has become one of the most used cloud-based storage and management companies in the world. They have held their own against companies such as Google and Amazon. Their annual revenue approached $2 billion and have had more than 15 million users worldwide. They have been continuing to build from strength to strength and so have their profits over the last three quarters. 

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