Eye Care: Top Tips from the Optician


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We kind of take our eyesight for granted, after all, we’ve been able to see since we can first remember, yet more and more people are adopting eye-care strategies into their lives, especially as you enter middle age and start wearing reading glasses.

Here are a few eye-care tips from the optician to help your eyes stay healthy.

  • Diet – What you eat can impact your eyes and the ideal diet would include fresh fruit and vegetables. Be sure to include tuna and salmon in your diet, as these are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the eyes.
  • Watch your weight – Being overweight increases the risk of becoming diabetic, which, in turn increases the risk of glaucoma and other optical conditions. Are you getting enough exercise? If not, your local gym has everything you need for a serious workout, or you could order a set of dumbbells online and design your own routine; check out the body building YouTube videos for some true inspiration.
  • Regular eye examinations – Finding the best opticians in Loftus is never an issue with a search engine and you can let the expert check that all is well. The optician offers glasses and contact lenses for those that require it, plus they offer sound advice on all aspects of eye care.
  • Polarized sunglasses – Sunny Australia means wearing Polaroid sunglasses is a must; look for polarized lenses and a UV rating of 400, which is the highest. The sun’s rays can obviously be harmful to the eyes, which is why you should have a couple of polarized sunglasses for daily use.
  • Check family medical history – Many eye conditions run in the family and if someone in your family suffered with glaucoma, for example, you can have some tests carried out. Early diagnosis usually leads to a quick cure and knowing your family medical history can make all the difference. Here are a few 5 unbelievable benefits of milk for your kids.
  • Limit time on the computer – If a person sits in front of a digital screen for hours on end, this will put tremendous strain on the optical nerves, as you focus on something near for long periods. Every 15 minutes, you should shift your gaze to outside the window, just for a short time, to allow your eyes to focus far rather than near. Some people prefer to put a filter over their screen, which may help.
  • Eye wash – You can buy the kit at any pharmacy, which contains a plastic eye rinse cup and a small bottle of solution; follow the instructions and this refreshes the pupils.
  • Wearing protection – There are times when you need to wear eye protection; riding a bike, working with certain power tools, are just a few examples. If eye glasses are provided at work you should always use them when performing specific tasks.

We should all be aware of eye health and best practices, while always wearing polarized sunglasses and having a balanced diet with the right exercise program in place.

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