Exclusive Enhanced Penalties for Using Mobile Phone While Driving in Perth


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With a good deal of zeal and discretion, Perth, Western Australia has enforced a new set of two-tiered penalties. These penalties will apply on offenders who are driving on the road recklessly with mobile phones. The penalties have stooped up to $1000 from 1st July, 2020 with an upsurge by $600. This penalty will also be accompanied by a loss of 4 demerit points. The latter can also be replaced with an additional fine of $500. This penalty will be accompanied by a loss of 3 demerit points.

Get professional legal help!

You can hire one of the top traffic lawyers Perth to learn about these newly introduced mobile phone driving penalties. Your lawyer will give you beneficial ideas and advices to prevent you from the infliction of mobile phone driving. The said penalties will apply on you only if you are found to drive while using your mobile phone for:

  • Using the internet
  • Watching videos
  • Accessing the social media and
  • Texting

So, have you become the victim of mobile phone driving in Perth after 1st July, 2020? Were you up to any of the activities state above while doing so? If yes, then never hesitate to contact a team of competent traffic lawyers in Perth.

A look at the two-tiered penalties for mobile phone driving

The government of Western Australia had already decided to make its traffic protocol more stringent, especially for mobile phone users. This is because around 31 people died on WA’s road due inattentive driving in 2019. About 77,000 people were caught to be driving inattentively in WA simply for using mobile phones. The below given information will acquaint you with the recently executed two-tiered penalties. These penalties have become valid in WA from 1st July, 2020 as a result of mobile phone driving.

  • Paying $1000 with the deduction of 4 demerit points have been considered as the greatest penalty. This penalty will apply on motorists who will get caught driving while doing certain things with his/her mobile phone. These include using the internet and social media and sending texts and emails.
  • As you already know that paying $500 with a deduction of 3 demerit points comes right after this. It has been considered as the second penalty which is a little less severe in nature. This penalty will apply on drivers who are just touching their mobile phones and halting before a traffic light. This penalty will also apply if the driver is holding the mobile phone while taking a call. The latter is considered a less severe offence as compared to the former.

When you are somewhere like Perth, WA, you can certainly avoid committing any of these driving errors. Thinking how? Well, all you need to do is to contact the top traffic lawyers in Perth.

The significance of these enhanced penalties

The WA government hasn’t increased these mobile phone driving penalties just like that. Some of the government officials are hoping that these penalties will convey a substantial message to the several careless motorists. These drivers often drive while holding their mobile phones in hand. Staying behind the wheels while using your mobile phone is outright dangerous. Hopefully, with the implementation of these penalties the WA government can effectively avoid the potential hazard of mobile phone driving.

How to stay away from these penalties?

Just the way a driver of WA is subject to these penalties, they can also avoid them intelligently. To do that, they will have to follow a couple of strategies effectively. Say for instance, the driving is required to receive a phone call while driving. That is the time when he or she can resort to any of the strategies given below.

  • It may be the case that the call the driver will receive is relatively less indispensable. Then the driver can put an end to the call or receive the same alternatively. The motorist has to do this by not manually holding the mobile phone and should opt for voice activation.
  • Alternatively, the driver can also fasten the mobile phone to the mounting of his/her car. Besides, the driver must not touch the mobile phone even if he/she notices an incoming call.

Each of these activities will apply only if you are driving. The fact is moving your vehicle doesn’t always imply driving when you are somewhere like Perth, Australia. According to the Road Traffic Administration (Act) 2008, driving means something else. It implies when the driver has complete clutches over the propulsion, movement and steering of the car. You will be considered driving even if your vehicle is halted somewhere while its engine is still activated.

Go for a comprehensive legal aid!

To find a traffic lawyer in WA is not a difficult task at all. You simply need to contact the best traffic lawyers in Perth, WA. Your traffic violation lawyer can get you an acquittal from any of the mobile phone driving penalties given above efficiently.

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