Everything you need to know about Ultrasound


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Ultrasound is a medical procedure that can capture a live image from inside of your body with high frequency. It has no radiation and uses advanced technology used by sonar and radar, which can detect planes. It can also be called Sonography. It is also a method to view the developing fetus during pregnancy periods. While consulting a doctor, your doctor can see organs, veins, and tissues problems.

How to prepare for an Ultrasound:

The preparation of Ultrasound will depend on the area of the affected tissue and organs. Patients need to avoid undigested food before 8 to 12 hours which will block the sound waves to get a clear abdominal image. You need to take the intake of water and take any medicine which is instructed. Before abdominal Scanning, they need to drink a lot of water until the stomach fills and hold the urine so that the bladder is full and get exact images. Patients need to tell that intake of medication drugs, herbal medicine to the doctor before their consultation. Compared to X-rays or CT scans, Ultrasound is the sound waves with no use of radiation. It has a little risk. You need to follow the doctor’s advice and look for the bulk billing ultrasound Griffith with any queries you have. You can also visit for Philips Lumify.

Performance of Ultrasound:

An Ultrasound lab technician will apply a gel to your skin. The gel acts as friction to rub the Ultrasound transducer on your skin. The jelly substance helps to transmit the sound waves of the abdomen, and the transducer has a similar appearance to a microphone. High-frequency sound waves are sent to your body using a transducer. The echo waves are too high of a pitch for a human ear to hear. Sound waves hit the detection object to detect the different images of organs or bones. Patients need to change the position so the technician can have a different view to access. It is highly for obtaining better ways of outcome with the simple approach of Ultrasonic scanning at the technician with bulk billing ultrasound Griffith is advised. The gel will get cleaned within 25 to 30 minutes. The patient can feel free to move on to normal activities after the procedure.

Working of Ultrasound:

Ultrasounds help us transmit the high frequency into the body and bounce back off tissue and organs. The sound waves bring out an electrical signal that can be converted by a computer to fabricate images of the tissue and organs.

Variations of Ultrasound:

Doppler ultrasound is used to show the exact image and measure of blood flow of the heart and blood vessels.

Elastography: They are used to vary healthy tissue from tumours.

Therapeutic Ultrasound helps transmit the sound waves to a particular part to break up tissue.

HIFU is used to destroy or adjust tissue without opening the skin.

Uses of Ultrasound:

It is best known for authenticating and observing pregnancy. Ultrasound Image helps determine the condition that influences the organs and soft tissues of the body. It mainly affects some organs, such as the abdomen, liver, kidney, heart, blood vessels, bladder, ovaries and testicles. 

Sound waves will not pass through certain areas that might hold gas or air. 

Ultrasound for Pets

Finally, there are some situations where pets and dogs may benefit from medications. Pain medications come in many shapes and forms, and most veterinarians are going to start low and go slow. This means the doctor is going to start with anti-inflammatory medications, such as Tylenol and Motrin for dogs, before progressing to something stronger. Opioid and narcotic medications can be addictive, which is why most veterinarians are only going to use these medications if they are absolutely necessary. If you have questions about pain medications for your dog, you should talk to a veterinary professional today who have equipped lab with ultrasound machine for dogs that might help to get better treatment for your pet.

Benefits of Ultrasound:

  • It is painless and does not need injections, needles or incisions.
  • The treatment method does not expose the patients to ionizing radiation, making them safer than diagnostic approaches like CT-scan, MRI scan, and X-rays.
  • Ultrasound is less expensive and can be delicate to take tissue not seen clearly in X-rays.

Bottom line:

Ultrasound is a sound wave used to detect clear images within a body. It is safe, has no radiation, and uses advanced technology to diagnose your tissue and organs in the body. So, as explained above, there are some basic things you need to know about Ultrasound.

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