Every Crucial Thing You Need to Know About an IP Address

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Hardly there is any student or working professionally in today’s date who doesn’t use a computer for educational, professional or personal purposes. However, many still do not have explicit knowledge of an IP address. Even if some who spend most of their time working on a desktop or laptop possess a basic understanding of IP address, but they might not know any crucial thing beyond ‘What’s an IP address?’

You are at the right place if you are interested in gaining knowledge about all those essential things pertaining to IP addresses. Read on to learn more about the role of an IP address, significant differences between IPV4 and IPV6, and how to know your IP address and its actual location.

IP Address: What Is It?

If you do not have a fair idea of an IP address, let’s clarify it. An IP address is a series of numbers attributed to every device, such as desktop/laptop, servers, routers, websites, etc., connected to the internet. Identifying any device on the network from any part of the globe is easier as an IP address functions similarly to a typical address.  

It’s expected that you at least know that IP stands for Internet Protocol. To enable devices, routers and servers to communicate seamlessly, it is necessary to use IP addresses in the TCP/IP Protocol. The series of numbers becomes the URL of a domain in the case of a website to help people remember easily.

What Purpose Does an IP Address Fulfill?

In simple words, the sole purpose of an IP address is to ensure a seamless connection between each of those devices responsible for exchanging information across an extensive network. Without an Internet Protocol address, it is not possible to uniquely identify any device on the web and connect them. These addresses inform websites instantly whenever anyone uses a PC to connect with websites and as well as streaming platforms.

Differences between IPV4 and IPV6


Every single device and network system boasts an IPv4 Internet Protocol address. An IPv4 address is a series of eight-bit binary numbers in four groups. A decimal point separates one group from another. It is known as dot-decimal notation. Nearly 4 billion IPv4 addresses are in use at present.


To complete the process of the addition of trillion new IP addresses, the Internet Protocol brought in IPV6. This particular IP address consists of numbers and letters in upper case and colons instead of decimals part each group.

Method to Find Your IP Address

If you have a plan to write the search term ‘what is my IP’ into the Google search box, know that you can find it within your PC’s network settings. Even you can avail free service that facilitates you to know your IP address in no time aside from its location as well. One such service also makes you aware of IPV4 and IPV6 addresses besides the port used or host name.

Aside from all the aforementioned vital information, it is also crucial to know that a free service like ipcost helps you gain a clear idea of whether your IP address is exposed or a VPN/proxy protects it.

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