Essential Ways of Protecting Your Skin in Winter


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You might observe changes in your skin with the changing weather. Especially in winter, the dry and cold weather might make your skin flakey and rough. During these times, it is important to make changes in your lifestyle and skincare routine. 

Dry skin in winters is not inevitable, making use of some time tested methods such as using high-quality facial spray and mists and changes in diet can help along the way.

Some ways to take care of your skin this winter are as follows:

Hydration is Vital

A key step in your lifestyle is the water you drink. To make sure that you have healthy and glowing skin, it is important that you stay hydrated throughout the day. Not consuming enough fluids can make your skin dull and leave it more susceptible to dryness.

Apart from hydration, you should focus on the sufficient intake of foods that are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients will help by protecting your skin cells from external damage, making them healthier and stronger.

Avoid Excessive Exfoliation

Exfoliation helps in the removal of dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. This leads to vibrant and smoother skin. However, over-exfoliating your skin with the wrong products can irritate your skin and aggravate the dryness.

If you find your skin dried and flaky, it is better to choose a gentle exfoliating product in place of a harsh scrub. Scrubs that have large particles tend to break down the moisture barrier of your skin, which in turn will result in damaged skin.

In case of cracked or irritated skin, it is best if you lay off exfoliation for some time. You can resume exfoliation when your skin has healed.

Moisturize Regularly

Whenever you wash your skin, it strips your skin of natural oils. These oils have the job of locking in moisture in your skin, therefore, it is vital to maintain the moisture level. For this reason, it is important to moisturize your skin every time you wash in winter. 

To not forget this, you can keep your chosen moisturizer next to your washbasin and in your travel kit to make sure that you are moisturized anywhere you go.

Add a Humidifier to Your Life

Humidifiers are a great way to replenish the moisture back in the air. This is especially helpful to tackle the effects of indoor heating on the skin. An air rich with moisture will provide natural moisturizing to your face, ultimately preventing dry skin.

According to Harvard Health, a humidifier set on 60% during the winter will replenish and maintain moisture in your skin’s top layer.

Adjust Your Skincare Routine

Skincare products that you usually use might become irritants during winter. To tackle this, it is best to keep a simple skincare regimen in the cold weather. Moisturizers and sunscreen are generally enough during the winter.

Wrapping Up

It is vital for you to protect your skin from the dry winter. Making simple changes in your lifestyle along with using the right products can help your skin in the cold weather. 

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