Essential Tips for Year-Round Lawn Care

Home Decor

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More than one million people work in the Bellingham Landscape Maintenance Company, generating annual revenues of $93 billion. Ask any one of these people how to care for your lawn and landscaping, and they will tell you that yard care is a year-round project. 

There’s so much more than just mowing the lawn and raking leaves. While these are the bare minimum required tasks, they won’t help your lawn and plants thrive. 

Follow this guide to know what you should do each season to have the best-looking landscaping on your block. 


Yard care services start to get business in the spring. This is the months of March, April, and May. Your lawn and plants start waking up from their winter dormancy. 

Have the dead leaves and fallen branches cleaned up. Remove all of the dead debris and clean up your yard, making room for new growth. Aerate the lawn to encourage water and air to get to the roots and prevent the earth from becoming too compacted.  


You’ll depend on your yard care company the most during the summer months of June, July, and August. This is when your plants are in full growing mode, and your lawn needs the most mowing.  Let the grass grow higher for a more lush lawn and stronger root system. -If you choose to mow your lawn by yourself, make sure that you only invest in a quality and durable lawnmower. You can find the best reel mowers review on BestOfMachinery for your purchase guide

Treat for pests and weeds. They are at their most prevalent during this time. Both can inhibit the growth of your plants and lawn if not kept in check. 

Draught can be a risk, so make sure your lawn gets enough water. You know your lawn isn’t getting enough water if the lawn starts turning brown. Avoid spraying weedkiller when the lawn is at its driest as the chemicals can burn your plants. 


The fall season signals a slowing of the growing season. These are the months of September, October, and November. It’s the perfect time to fertilize and distribute weed control. 

Lower your mower and cut the lawn shorter. This makes it easier to remove dead leaves with a rake and prevent snow mold. It’s also the time to add seed to fill in the dead patches. 

Use a fertilizer that’s rich in potassium. This will help your plants prepare for winter better. 


Don’t neglect your landscaping and lawn during the winter months of December, January, and February. It can help to have a yard care service such as Pacific Lawn Maintenance take care of these cold-weather maintenance tasks. 

Avoid walking on your grass when it’s frosted. This will create black tracks in the lawn wherever you walk.

Have your lawn cleaned up to remove any remaining leaves that are leftover from the fall. These will block the sun and contribute to the killing of your lawn. 

Plan Your Yard Care

With a year-round plan for your landscaping and yard care, you can ensure that your property will look beautiful year-round. It also helps you to experience the greatest benefit from your efforts by doing them at the right time of the year. 

Browse our other real estate articles for more tips on caring for your home and lawn.  Online instant lawn is another option that can help with year-round maintenance.

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