Effective, Noninvasive Throat Swab Tests for Covid-19


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Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, the world has been brought to a standstill. The disease has not only interfered with human lives but also to the economy. Doctors and scientists have been working around the clock to make sure they are getting a fitting cure that’s going to put an end to the scourge. But before they found a right vaccine for the virus, doctors had to find a way to collect samples to determine whether an individual was positive or negative.

That’s how the nose swabs came into play. One thing about the nose swabs is that they are as uncomfortable as they are invasive. Most people who had the misfortune of having a long stick dug into their nasal cavities didn’t seem to like it very much. That’s what prompted the doctors to look for other noninvasive ways to test for COVID-19 and how saliva tests came into existence.

The new oral fluid test is very easy and it only takes a few seconds and it’s done, unlike throat or nose swabs. Themouth swab tests have shown about 83% accuracy compared to the nose swabs that show up to 85% accuracy. The above conclusion was drawn after sixteen separate studies were carried out on a total of close to 5,900 volunteers.

The findings were published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Further information revealed that the saliva fluid testing for coronavirus is 99% accurate for those who do not have the virus (and therefore are negative). And since the mouth swabs are non invasive, researchers project an increase in testing rates as more people will be more than willing to opt for the new testing method as opposed to the “stick in the nose” procedure.

Testing negative for coronavirus and what it really means

Even if the test comes negative and you would think that you are not a carrier of the virus it does not mean that you are in clear since tests are not 100% accurate.According to the CDC, there is a slim possibility of an individual testing negative for coronavirus to still have the virus in their system. Because of this, a mandatory follow up test is required.

CDC says that it is important for you to have an honest discussion with your healthcare providers about your current condition. You have to talk to them and make sure you’ve given them all the necessary information they need to make the right call. There are a number of reasons why you can get a false result after taking your antigen swab test for covid.

For instance, taking your test immediately after exposure can and will yield negative results when in fact you are positive and this is why mandatory quarantine is extremely important. You’ll be required to wait between five and seven days before taking a second covid antigen test. This way, you can count on the swab test to show the results. From there, the doctors will know what to do.

Sometimes you might show the symptoms but still test negative. If that seems to be the case with you, then getting a proper place to quarantine is extremely important. The last thing you want to do is increase your chances of infecting your loved ones. You can either check yourself into a government quarantine facility or seclude yourself in a room in your home until you are cleared by a certified professional.

It is also important to note that there are many other ailments that share the same symptoms with coronavirus. Therefore, it is important for you to visit your doctor as soon as you can and have yourself checked out. You might end up panicking over something that’s not coronavirus.

What the experts think about the new testing kit

The majority of experts are delighted with the new testing kit for a number of reasons. For starters, it is quite easy to use and doesn’t need a trained health professional conducting the test which is as cumber some as it is expensive. Secondly, the brand-new test kit doesn’t call for the public to visit the nearest health centers to get tested. This is incredible news because it limits the chances of exposure since everyone can do it from the comfort of their homes thus limiting interaction.

The test is also extremely sensitive and is therefore extremely effective. According to Dr. Spencer Kroll of FNLA, the test can detect coronavirus in as little as a microliter of saliva.  The fact that the new saliva test is as effective as nasal tests when it comes to SARS-Cov-2 detection makes it highly recommended.

Even though the saliva test kit does an incredibly good job when it comes to testing for coronavirus, the experts highly recommend that the results shouldn’t be conclusive. If anything, the results should be coupled with patient history, clinical judgment, and epidemiological data. Once everything else has been taken into consideration, that’s when a much more accurate conclusion would be drawn.

Where to get your oral testing kits

The most important thing you can do as a responsible citizen is making an effort to know your status. When you know whether you have the coronavirus or not, you’ll understand what your next move is going to be. For instance, if you turn out to be negative, then you’ll make an effort to learn a few things that’ll keep you negative. If you are positive, then you’ll seek medical attention as quickly as you can. You’ll also know the steps to protect your loved ones from contracting the virus from you.

So, where do you get your oral testing kits from? Well, the FDA has made it possible for anyone to make a purchase online. Once you do that, the kit will be shipped directly to the comfort of your home in a matter of days. There’s also the option where you can get your oral testing kits from a private location. All you need to do is make contact and you’ll be given all the details you need.

Always get your oral testing kits from authorized institutions because they’ll protect you from counterfeits. These kits are also available from any healthcare providers. Just make sure you are going to their official website, or social media pages, and making your inquiries from there. In fact, doing this is highly encouraged for a number of reasons. For starters, you’ll be given all the advice that you need before getting your kit and the chance to ask as many questions as you can without the fear of looking green. The healthcare officials understand and will always take their time to ensure that you are getting all the answers that you need without any judgment. Once everything has been sorted and you’ve received your testing kit make sure that you are following all the instructions that come with it. Once everything has been sorted, you’ll be expected to wait for at least half an hour before the results show. If you are having any doubts, feel free to take a second or even third test instant test. And in the event that you don’t have confidence in the oral tests, then feel free to head down to thenearest health center.

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