Dog Training Essentials


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A rewarding part of owning a dog is successfully training him or her. Whether old or young, all dogs can benefit from training. Training is a great way of bonding with your four-legged buddy and helps in building a healthy relationship

Becoming a dog trainer can be challenging and quite demanding. However, if taken step by step, the task becomes less daunting. Here are some training basics to get you rolling. Also visit gold coast puppy school for dog training.

Choose the Right Training Tactics 

The key to a well-behaved dog is good training. All dog behaviourist must be reward-based. Giving him something he loves such as food or praise when they display a particular behavior means your dog is more likely to do it again in the hope of getting rewarded again.

Some dog training methods use punishment such as scolding and leash corrections to discourage the animals from doing what you don’t want them to do. Other methods focus on teaching the dog what you want them to do

While both techniques can work, the latter approach is usually more effective and is also much more enjoyable for both of you. You can, for example, easily use praise, treats, and games to teach your pet to sit when people approach you as you walk in the neighborhood. 

Be patient because just like us, our dogs learn at different rates. Don’t worry if he doesn’t do what you are training him to do straight away, patience is a must in dog training.

Consequences must be Immediate 

If your dog is to connect that what he does has consequences associated with that particular behavior, the correction or reward must be immediate. For example, if your dog begs at the table and gets a treat of food scraps, he has learned that begging is good, worth doing. On the other hand, rewarding for good behavior with treats reinforces the training and keeps your dog motivated.

If the dog begs and is given nothing, pretty soon he or she will abandon the table begging and try something else to attract your attention. The new tactic might be equally unpleasant such as pawing your leg or barking, but the original bad behavior eventually fizzles out. Dog behaviour specialist melbourne teaches your pet how to act in public and at home, as well as keeping them safe and strengthening the bond between you and your dog.

When training your family pet, you-and everyone else in the household who interacts with him should respond or react the same way to things he does every time he does them. If, for example, you sometimes pet the animal dog when he jumps up to greet when you come home but sometimes you yell at him, the dog is bound to get confused. How will your dog know when it’s okay to jump up and when not to?

Pay More Attention to Your Dog

Your dog communicates with you all the time. Sometimes is communicating with vocalizations, which makes it essential to understand what different dog sounds mean. Often, however, your dog only relies on canine body language to communicate. The more you how your dog communicates with you, the better and easier it becomes to judge how he feels about your training sessions. 

Certain body language hints are easy to decipher such as the hunched posture when he is scared. However, other cues may be easily misunderstood or misread. For example, if the dog refuses to look at you directly, he is probably not deliberately ignoring you. He could be asking you to calm down or be clearer in your command. 

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