Do Dogs Have an Endocannabinoid System?


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If you just heard about the miracle herb cannabis, it is only right to say that you arrived late to the party. This does not mean that you can’t also benefit from the use of cannabis for you or your pet. For most people who already use hemp oil or edibles and intend using the medication on their dogs, one question seems to be on the mind. And that is how do animals process CBD? Do dogs have an endocannabinoid system like humans?

You should know that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a vital part of physiology in humans and animals. So it is true that your dog has an endocannabinoid system. But this does not mean that it is entirely safe to feed them cannabis without warning. 

Both hemp and marijuana, which are both members of the cannabis family, affect the body in different ways. This pageĀĀ has a detailed explanation of the difference between both cannabis plants. For hemp, the effect is mild and soothing without any psychoactive high. This is because of the low THC levels in the plant, and you cannot say the same for the sister herb marijuana.Ā 

Unlike hemp, marijuana has a high concentration of THC, and in some strains can be up to 50% of the cannabinoid compounds present in the plant. Using high levels of THC on dogs can cause an adverse reaction in the treatment, so you want to avoid using marijuana or its extracts on your pets. 

What is the Endocannabinoid System? 

The ECS is a compilation of enzymes, endocannabinoids, and receptors in the body, which helps process cannabis when it enters your dog’s system. The ECS runs through the body and is common in the brain and central nervous system. It is part of the peripheral nervous system, where it also assists in regulating certain body functions. 

It will be impossible for the body to effectively process the compounds from cannabis without the ECS’s help. When THC or CBD enters the body, the enzymes, receptors, and endocannabinoids act to elicit a response that could be pleasant or unfavorable. The nature of medication you use determines how much of a reaction the ECS can provide. Using marijuana on dogs can affect the system negatively, which is why you want to avoid that strain of cannabis. The absorption of CBD in the body usually leaves a mild response, which could help promote other functions in the body. 

How the ECS Functions in Dogs?

When chemical compounds from drugs get into the body, it gets absorbed in the digestive system before it gets signaled by neurons in the brainā€”this is why it takes a while before the meds kick in. However, the rate of absorption depends on the manner of drug reception. For cannabis, smoking remains the quickest way to get the CBD or THC compounds from hemp and marijuana to take effect in the body. You can click to this site for more information on cannabis and how it affects the ECS. 

The ECS is an integral part of canine anatomy, and understanding just how it operates is essential before starting your dog on cannabis treatment. To quickly bring you up to speed, the ECS comprises endocannabinoids, chemical receptors, and then proteins (enzymes). The endocannabinoids are naturally existing and are the first to get signaled when different cannabinoids from THC and CBD enters the body. So once you feed your dog hemp chow, this is the part of the ECS that gets responsive after the compounds have been digested. 

Once received, the CBD from the hemp oil or treat you use on your pet binds to the ECS’s endocannabinoid receptors. These receptors run throughout the nervous system and play an essential role in regulating body functionā€”more on that in the next section. Once the CBD binds to endocannabinoid receptors in the ECS, it is broken down further by enzymes in the body. 

Role of ECS in Canine Anatomy 

The endocannabinoid system is not only in place for the absorption of cannabis compounds in dogs. It acts as a fail-safe mechanism that kicks in when there is an anomaly in other body functions. It is the ECS that sets your pet’s stomach growling when they haven’t been fed for hours. Aside from digestive functions, there are other ways the endocannabinoid system helps your dog maintain healthy homeostasis. Different ways the ECS helps the body include 

  • Food absorption and digestion 
  • Signals the hunger cells 
  • Protective functions against infection and illness
  • Regulates stress and anxiety 
  • Helps in regulating motor ability 
  • Controls body temperature 
  • Regulates the action of pain receptors
  • Promotes brain and memory function 

How you Can Help your Dogs ECS

Pets rely on their owners to help them stay healthy. Of course, while animals in the wild or stray will have to fend for themselves, it is your responsibility to provide food, shelter, and health care for your dog. For one, dogs can’t communicate when they have had enough food or water, so how can you help their endocannabinoid system?

You can start by having a regular check-in with the vet to help access your dog’s health. This is even more so when you intend to use hemp oil or treats for therapeutic purposes. While there are no safety risks associated with using cannabis for humans, pets could react negatively, especially when treated without medical supervision. But to be on the safe side, you want to follow the simple guide below when you use CBD for dogs. 

  • Check with a veterinarian at least twice a year
  • Use pure organic CBD for your pet 
  • THC levels should be less than 0.3%
  • Check for a lab certification 
  • Follow a regimented dosage 
  • Don’t feed hemp flowers to dogs 
  • Don’t give your pet weed to smoke 
  • Don’t forget the right diet 
  • Adequate rest and exercise 

Final Note

While there is still research on the extent the ECS plays in the body, it is clear it does play an essential role in regulating normal psychological and anatomical functions in the body. And this is in addition to processing cannabinoids from pet CBD. 

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