Digging Into Legal Troubles with Drug Selling and Dealing Charges


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Drug charges are common in Ohio, although it has legalized possessing a small amount of marijuana. You can still find yourself in the soup if the police arrest you with drugs or suspect of trafficking or manufacturing substances. If you get caught with marijuana first time, you can expect some leniency with fines and imprisonment. But penalties become severe when you drive a vehicle under the influence of a drug. Your location can also be another factor in determining the severity of drug law violations. Suppose the government caught you in Westerville, Ohio. In that case, you may face fourth-degree misdemeanor charges if you possess about 100-200 gm of marijuana. It can also include jail time. 

Let’s understand the legal system around drug crimes a little more. It’s worth knowing certain aspects of drug-related criminal charges. After all, you don’t want to feel lost if you get involved in a criminal offense by a sheer stroke of bad luck and have to pay a hefty bail. You should know a reputable bail bonds agency like Castle Bail Bonds can help.

Drug sale charges

Multiple American states have allowed marijuana for recreational and medical purposes, while federal law may consider this illegal. Due to this difference, you can face drug offense charges based on the quantity you possess. If you face drug sale charges, the law can term it a felony or misdemeanor per the person’s intent. For example, if you give someone 20g or less of marijuana or any other drug the first time, it will be a misdemeanor with a fine amounting to a maximum of USD $150. If you repeat this, you may have to spend 60 days in jail and pay USD $500. Selling, distributing or trafficking under 200gm drug to more than 40,000 g calls for felony charges. The minimum jail term can be one year and a maximum of eight years. Likewise, the fine can range from USD $2,500- 20,000.  

Drug possession charges

In Ohio, possessing less than 100g of drugs falls under minor misdemeanor charges and can attract USD$ 150 fine. If the quantity is 100-200g, you can face jail for 30 days and a USD $250 fine. Felony charges begin when the amount of the drug is 200g and more. For 200-1000g, you have to spend one year in prison, and your penalty amount can be USD $2,500. A case of a third-degree felony is when you possess 1,000 – 20,000g. For this, your sentence can vary from 1-5 years with a fine amounting to USD $5-10k. It hints at scenarios or consequences if the police catch you with higher quantities. Hence, it’s better to be careful.

Drug paraphernalia charges

You attract criminal charges if you possess or show an intent to deal in drug devices that help with the consumption, production, or concealing of illegal substances. Possessing marijuana paraphernalia can be a minor misdemeanor offense, which requires you to pay up to USD$ 150 in fine. However, if the charges are for selling paraphernalia, this act of misdemeanor under the law can cause 90 days of jail and USD $750 in penalty. Your driver’s license can be at risk as you may not be able to drive for six months to 5 years.

Since laws keep changing from time to time, it’s better to stay updated to keep yourself safe from any legal battle.

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