Definitive Evidence the American Government and Media are Colluding to Hide the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Origins


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Just in time for the arrival of the Angel of Death, a little more proof that there’s nothing in the world more lethal than amoral bureaucrats.

From the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.

  Alright so before any big reveal there’s gotta be a little suspense, so just to get your juices going here’s just a few straightforward points which demonstrate that each and every scientist, academic, journalist, and whoever else that’s waxing eloquently about mathematical probabilities and Bayesian priors is a self-important dork who’s far ffaaaarrrr more concerned with sounding smart online and hearing themselves talk than the preservation of innocent life.  

  1. If you’re going to analyze whether or not a novel virus came from a lab, shouldn’t the first question be whether there are currently any viruses that started in a lab currently in global circulation causing active infections? And if any viruses that began in a lab are currently in global circulation, what kind of virus is it exactly? Questions that have just one answer today: The only virus that’s known to have started in a lab currently in circulation and causing active infections is OPV, the live-attenuated vaccine against Polio which is reverting in dozens of different countries on multiple continents despite all attempts at a vaccine to stop it over the past decade. Maybe that sounds a bit familiar?  
  2. Alright so if in the present moment there’s only one type of known-to-be-engineered virus in circulation, and it started as a live-attenuated vaccine, what about historical precedent? Well, although SARS-CoV has notoriously escaped from a few labs, those leaks never spread more than one country outside their country-of-origin – not a global outbreak. Same with possible Ebola leaks in Africa. However the very first instance of a mysterious variant of any virus spreading all across the globe was back in 1977 with a variant of H1N1, and its origins remained murky all the way until February of 2021, when me and my dad published the Clarification to our original August 2020 paper, proving that it’d been engineered by serial passage. Which at the time and given the nature of the outbreak, only points a live-attenuated H1N1 vaccine that reverted faster-than expected. And there’s good reason to believe that the enpigmatic H1N1 outbreak of 2009 started with a live-attenuated vaccine against it on pork farms gone-wrong. 

So uh, why is it that I’m the only voice there is discussing the fact that live-attenuated vaccines are kinda well-known for reverting and becoming fully virulent full grown viruses? And that maybe that’s how the COVID-19 Pandemic started – with a live-attenuated vaccine that reverted too fast, and then got covered-up by the governments involved? Speaking of government cover-ups, sure is strange that shortly before the pandemic started, our sitting Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, was writing stuff like this:

This global environment requires that a successful American security strategy do more than attempt to prevail in or manage competition; it must artfully blend and balance competition and cooperation. This is particularly evident in our relations with China, a nation whose economic power, we have emphasized, is approaching America’s and will probably come to exceed it. In this context, our recommended strategic premises encourage a willingness to take risks for peace that at least approaches our acceptance of risk in conflict. This example provides some illustrations of how our call for cooperative initiatives might be translated into action.  

So it may be in the years ahead. If, for example, a highly contagious disease like SARS broke out in North Korea, we believe the resulting concerns would render America and China, at least for these purposes, allies.

And it’s probably another coincidence that the lead author of that paper, Richard Danzig, was also the lead author of the email that tried to get our original August 2020 paper focusing on serial paper retracted. Could be thinking this pandemic started in a lab means I’m crazy I guess. But maybe hold off on that judgment until you get to the good stuff below. 

Back in June 2023, Katherine Eban reported in Vanity Fair, where she’s written several articles about the lab leak debate without managing to mention that me and my dad even exist at all, that the Department of Energy had changed its mind:

Wow, must’ve been something pretty incredible to cause the DOE to change its mind!! And luckily for us, we get to find out what that intelligence is, since when USRTK hit the DOE with a FOIA about its thoughts on COVID’s origins, guess what came back from the spring of 2023!?

Doe Fresh Intelligence 2023

397KB ∙ PDF file


HEY WEIRD, THAT SURE LOOKS FACKING FAMILIAR!! So if you thought it was strange that even after getting two peer-reviewed papers published, that neither the New York Times, Washington Post, New York Magazine, CNN, nor any other media outlet we talked to at all thought they should mention our work exists, now we have definitive proof that my January 2020 paper caused the DOE’s super fancy Lawrence Livermore National Lab to change its mind. 

And yet not even USRTK think’s its worth mentioning even in passing? Wow, much journalisming!

Also isn’t it really strange that absolutely everyone else wants to wave their hands about a nebulous “lab leak” or “research related incident,” and yet those very same people refuse to even breath the words “live attenuated vaccine.” Hey was anyone aware that the CIA has a really long history of manipulating the American press so they can control the public? CRAZY SHIT, WONDER WHAT THAT’S LIKE!!

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