Confused Between Chest Fat and Enlarged Male Breast? – Tips to Identify The Two


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Several people stand in front of the mirror and see their chests are not in uniform compared to their entire body. A majority of them think the primary cause is gaining weight. However, many times doctors identify a more severe reason. 

A lot of people are unaware of the fact that there are two types of tissue that make up the chest- fatty tissue and glandular tissue. An increase in any one or both the tissue results in chest enlargement. So are you confused whether you are having excess chest fat or enlarged breasts? This article is going to guide you through to identify between the two so that you can opt for proper treatment. 

What does Chest Fat Indicate?

As the name signifies, it is simply the fatty tissue on the chest.  When there is excess deposition of adipose (fatty) tissue on the chest and abdomen area, the person is said to have excess fat tissue. This condition is also known as pseudo gynecomastia as the results of this condition are similar to the results of gynecomastia- enlarged male breasts. 

There are several factors responsible for chest fat accumulation include burning less fat due to a lifestyle and eating unhealthy food excessively. 

What does Enlarged Male Breast Indicate?

Normally, males have small and flat nipples. However, with age, some men have breasts larger than the normal size. In severe cases, their breasts look similar to female breasts. These are known as man boobs. Also, people suffering from enlarged male breasts are known to have developed a condition, gynecomastia

Gynecomastia develops in stages. There are four stages of gynecomastia- 1 being the mildest and 4 being the most severe in which the breasts appear similar to women’s ones. 

In the male body, there is a balance between the levels of both hormones- testosterone and estrogens. Evidently, when there is a hormonal imbalance in the body due to some unhealthy habits, the hormonal imbalance disrupts. Either the estrogen level increases or the testosterone level decreases, giving result to women-like boobs. 

Some of the symptoms that can confirm gynecomastia include-

  • Rounded breasts
  • Swelling or puffiness around the nipples
  • Tenderness of the breasts 
  • Nipples are erect and swollen 

How To Differentiate Between Chest Fat and Enlarged Male Breast? 

The fundamental point of distinction between gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia is the factor responsible for these conditions. The former results due to the actual growth of breast tissue triggered by a hormonal imbalance while the latter develops due to the maintenance of an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Also, gynecomastia tends to develop during puberty as boys go through hormonal changes excessively. Owing to these changes, the young boys may have enlarged breasts. Fortunately, once the hormonal changes stop, the enlargement also subsides. 

On the other hand, chest fat is a common symptom in people who are overweight. People who are obese and have a tendency to fat deposition on the body are likely to have adipose tissue around their chests. 

When it comes to diagnosis, the doctor determines whether the patient is suffering from gynecomastia or having excess chest fat by feeling the breasts and the nipples with fingers. In case there is some firmness around the breasts, there is a higher probability that it is gynecomastia. Otherwise, if there is neither any firmness nor the breast tissue feels uniform, it is likely because of excess fat tissue. Also, the nipples are pointy and the surrounding area becomes prominent in people with gynecomastia. Chest fat tends to make the breasts saggy and softer to feel. 

How To Reduce Chest Fat?

It is easier to reduce chest fat as compared to gynecomastia. With determination and dedication, one can lose chest fat considerably. The individual should follow a strict fitness gym along with a diet plan that helps to shed those extra kilos fast. 

Some of the exercises that can tone up the chest and the abdomen include-

  • Push-ups 
  • Standing Cable fly 
  • Plank to Push-ups
  • Sprints 
  • Bench presses 
  • Reverse cable pulls 
  • Dumbell pullover 

In addition to this, one should also indulge in cardio exercises such as running, walking, swimming, jogging etc. for at least 15 mins a day. 

How To Treat Enlarged Male Breast? 

Men tend to face excessive embarrassment due to female-like breasts. Hence, it is advisable to get treated at early stages of this condition. The patient can try various chest exercises as well as consume a diet that is low in estrogen. However, these non-surgical options may not be as effective as other options. Also, the results will only be temporary. 

For more effective results, one can cure gynecomastia in delhi  through surgical options such as liposuction along with gland excision. In liposuction, the surgeon drains excess fat by breaking it from the body and taking out through a tube. While in the gland excision surgery, the extra tissue under the breasts is removed through the nipples. Eventually, the chest contour is enhanced and there are no more man boobs. 

Gynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia 
Develops due to hormonal imbalance between the androgen and estrogen levels in the male body.Occurs when there is excessive fat deposition in and around the breasts.
This is the actual growth of glandular tissue as well as fatty tissue that makes up the chest. This is simply the deposition of fat on the breasts and chest.
The doctor looks for a firm mass of tissue under the breasts and skin feels differently around it.Neither the breasts feel uniform nor there is any mass. 
One has to undergo surgery such as liposuction and gland excision as treatment.Following a healthy lifestyle that includes eating right foods and exercising regularly. 

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