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Hair loss is a nightmare which comes true either sooner or later. We all hope that it happens once we are older. It might not always be the case. Though everyone experiences hair loss, the type might differ. It could be temporary or permanent. When one is experiencing hair loss, one hopes that the hair loss is temporary. Most people have the genetic disposition for it, which means they experience permanent hair loss. When this happens, one might start to panic. If hair loss continues, one might end up losing all their hair. The best way to target permanent hair loss is by undergoing a hair transplant Toronto

Even when it comes down to hair transplants various factors need to be considered. There are two main approaches to transplantation – FUE and FUT. Both methods can help you achieve great results. Each procedure works by relocating the active follicles to the thinning area. The approach followed is different. It is a great option as it can help one achieve drastic and permanent results. As hair transplantation allows you to grow your hair using your own follicles, it takes a while to see the results. Before undergoing the hair transplantation method, it is crucial to be patient for a couple of months. Following are the two popular approaches and this is how they help you to achieve the best results. 

FUE Hair Transplantation

Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE is an innovative hair transplantation technology. This method can help to achieve natural-looking results. In FUE, 1 to 4 hair follicles are extracted from the back or the side of the hair. These follicles are then inserted into the area that is experiencing thinning. Each follicle is placed individually with precision and care. This helps to achieve natural-looking results with minimal to no visible scarring. The recovery from this approach is also quicker. 

FUT Hair transplantation

The strip method is the classic hair transplantation method. Also referred to as FUT, in this method a strip of follicles is extracted from the back or side of the head. This area is considered the donor area because the hair that grows here is often resistant to hair loss and the hair growth is also thicker. The strip that has been extracted is then cut into smaller parts. Each part is grafted into the targeted area. As the strip is placed using incisions, this method leaves behind a long and linear scar. 

Book a consultation

Hair transplantation is an excellent way to restore lost hair. It might not be the ideal treatment option for all. Undergoing the consultation can help to bring about clarity and understanding. The surgeon will work to determine the cause of hair loss and discuss the treatment option accordingly. If hair transplantation is an option, they will walk you through the details of it. During the consultation, you will be educated about what the procedure can do for you and how it works. The surgeon will also determine which method would be the ideal choice for your needs and aesthetic goals. 

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