Christmas Gifts That Are Close To My Heart Since Childhood


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Christmas is a beautiful day that we celebrate in the honor of the birth of Lord Jesus on earth. It is the day the almighty laid his feet on the earth and graced us all with his enlightenment and blessings. On this occasion, we all come together and celebrate the amazing company of our loved ones. We extend our heartfelt thanks to God almighty for blessing us with so many opportunities and so many amazing people in our life. It is also the season of cakes, cookies, gifts, lights, and music.

Cakes Are A Mouth-watering Christmas Gifts

Every household has a set of traditions that they follow during this holiday, but decorating the house with sparkly lights, decorating the Christmas tree, baking cakes, and cookies and then distributing them to neighbors and giving gifts to the people that you love are some of the most common and most loved traditions of all. Similarly, everyone in my family comes together, decorate the house and bake delicious treats, and distribute them all over the neighborhood. We start looking for gifts for everyone a month before as it sometimes gets a bit tiring thinking of all the gifts and then getting them from the best shop in the budget. I usually go for merry christmas cake and flowers for my friends as gifts as these are the best options and I can get these in bulk with a prior order. I make sure to add a personalized handwritten card in which I highlight all the facts and memories that make the other person so special.

Vibrant Flowers For A Safe Christmas Gifting Option

While there are a lot of gifts that you receive during Christmas, there are few that touch your heart like no other. I too have few gifts that are still kept safely in my heart’s treasure box that I simply adore. I have listed a few of them below. While I was in school, I was staying in Bangalore, away from my parents and my grandparents. Since I was born I was extremely close to my grandmother, but after she passed away I was heartbroken. On Christmas 2009 while I was in Bangalore, I wasn’t able to visit my family due to some assignments. That Christmas I received a flower delivery in Bangalore. With that flower delivery was a small box of gifts. I called my dad and just as he picked up the call he asked me if I received the online cake delivery in Bangalore to which I responded with a yes, while I opened the small box it was my Grandmother’s favorite Broche. It was the best gift I could have ever received, and it is still with me till date.

Gifts To Excel In Your Hobbies

The second gift that I have close to my heart is the painting set that I got while I was in my 5th grade from my dad. I still remember while I was a kid and till now painting, has always been my passion. So when I received the set it was like a dream come true. This was the time I started devoting a lot of hours on my painting skills and have perfected them at this age.  Even though it was not a very expensive gift but it still started the journey of my passion for perfection. The fact that my dad brainstormed to look for my passion and paved the way for me to achieve it through this gift is the only thing that matters to me. To date, I have carefully kept the painting brushes from that gift in a box with all my precious belongings.

Watch, A Gift Of Time

The third gift that comes in my adored collections is a watch that was gifted to me by one of my best friends. Once while we were out for ice cream during window shopping I came across a store that had beautiful watches. My eyes fell on a beautiful watch that was of pink color. I mentioned that watch to my friend. I remember we were in 6th grade at the time and he saved all his year’s pocket money to get me that watch. That is what made it stand out of every other gift on that Christmas.

Overall I would like to state that it is the thought that counts when you share a gift with someone. The time and efforts you invested to think of what matters the most to the other person or what is desired by the other person are what matters. So it is highly essential that whatever you present to someone should be well thought of. The size of the gift or the price of the gift does not matter. The next time you gift something on Christmas occasion doesn’t just gift the same thing in bulk but put your mind into the real needs of the person ahead.

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