Choose The Best Outboard Motor For Your Cruising Boat


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Even the thoughts of boating in the morning on your cruising boat and fishing give you a feel of tranquillity and harmony. Right? What if your boat possessing the best outboard motor for saltwater? Is not it what you are looking for? It is pretty convoluted for a layperson to understand the complications of technical parts, and it often leads one to make a wrong purchase. In order to right your wrong, I am here to help you out in choosing the best outboard motor for saltwater for your cruising boat.

Why Buying An Outboard Motor Is Difficult?

If you are looking forward to buying the best outboard motor for a boat, it is not as simple as purchasing a spare part of a car. Even while buying a boat, you must have noticed that many companies have worked together in manufacturing your perfect boat for saltwater. That is why it is pretty complicated. Making a purchase of an outboard motor is about a hefty investment, and so you can not decide it spontaneously. Rather you must have to do thorough research in order to make your purchase beneficial.

Things To Be Considered While Buying An Outboard For Your Cruising Boat

As I have said before that choosing an outboard motor can be as complicated as buying a boat itself. But there are certain points that can help you in making a better choice. So, these certain aspects must be in the light before purchasing the best outboard motor for saltwater. So, let us move towards them.

Size Of Boat

The most vital thing to consider is your boat’s size because if there is a mismatch between your boat’s size and the capacity of an outboard motor that you are buying, it will create a huge or maybe an undo mess.

If your outboard motor’s size is larger then needed, then it can lead to the burning or sparking of plugs, which can result in an enormous loss. On the other hand, if you buy a motor smaller than the required size, it may overwork itself and result in wearing away fast. Additionally, it can also cause potential protection issues and a problem with the body of the boat.

So, be conscious about size while purchasing an outboard motor for your boat.

Type Of An Outboard Motor

Type of an outboard motor matter a lot. While picking up a motor type, you are offered two type motors, including a two-stroke motor and a four-stroke motor. And I think these are the best types to rely on.

The primary and an in-focused difference between two-stroke and four-stroke motors is that a two-stroke motor works with a mixture of oil and gas, whereas a four-stroke motor works with gas only.

A two-stroke motor is affordable and light in weight. This type of outboard motor is also easy to repair. If you just use your boat for occasional fishing trips, then a two-stroke motor will be enough for you.

If you are looking for a big and heavy motor, then you need a four-stroke motor. And if you use your boat for a power-packed performance, then two-strokes are not enough for you, and you need a four-stroke motor. It will help you to keep on going over a long distance.

Types Of Fuel Injections

When it comes to the types of fuel injections from which one an outboard motor possesses. These types include Direct Fuel Injection (DFI), Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI), and Carbureted System. The Carbureted system is the least expensive one, and when it comes to the better fuel injections, then DFI and EFI get on the top list.

Direct Fuel Injection

This system injects fuel direct to the engine cylinder. This is one of the most efficient fuel injection types.

Electronic Fuel Injection

It is related to the system controlling the air and fuel by using electronic fuel injection.

Carbureted System

One of the oldest systems having distinct disadvantages as well. The Carbureted system relies on the airflow and the amount of fuel entering the engine. This system is not as efficient as DFI and EFI.


The perfect horsepower for your cruising boat depends on the speed, cost of fuel kind, and the number of passengers. Once you are done checking these, you need to consider the size of the boat next. Depending on the size of your cruising boat, the horsepower is matched.

Smaller Boats

If you have a smaller sized boat and use it for smaller water bodies, then the horsepower of 10 is appropriate.

Longer Boats

If your boat is of fibreglass or aluminum, of 10 to 15 feet, it requires a horsepower ranging between 15 to 20.

For a boat length of 15 to 25 feet, a horsepower of 75 to 90 is required. If you want to sail it faster and travel farther, then a horsepower of 300 is needed.

Cruising boats over a length of 25 feet, it works efficiently with two outboard motors and requires a horse of 200 to 300. An outboard motor with this horsepower will make you go faster, and you can make a comeback earlier too.

Things To Check After Every Boating Trip

  • After every boating trip, you need to check the water flow in the water pump, and once the flushing is done, disconnect the fuel line and burn out the fuel in the carburetor. 
  • Now turn off the battery switch. 
  • Check if the engine is leaking or not. If it is leaking, then make it check to a mechanic. 
  • Wipe all the parts of your boat and spray a coating from an anti-corrosive spray. 
  • It will be better if you use a lubricant on all the moving parts. 
  • Last but the most important one is to cover the engine with a plastic or a canvas covering.


In order to choose the best outboard motor for saltwater, you need to keep the above things in your considerations otherwise; it can be difficult for you to make the best purchase.

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