Causes and Treatments for Thin Facial Hair

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Have you wanted to grow a thick beard you can be proud of but can’t seem to make it happen? Many men have thin facial hair, but that no longer has to be the case. 

There are now treatments for thin facial hair. Keep on reading to find out about the causes of a thin beard and how you can get help fast. 

Thin Facial Hair

Some men have thin facial hair like their fathers before them. Your genes can play a big role in how your facial hair grows. If your father had thin facial hair, you could too. 

Some men have a condition knows as alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune problem where hair follicles get attacked by your body. It is seen in small, circular patches close to the jawline, though in more extreme cases, you can lose all the hair on your beard. 

Ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat?” Turns out, it affects hair growth, too. A healthy diet may help hair growth. When you are not getting the nutrients you need, this may cause your facial hair to be thin. 

Age may be a factor, and some men do not grow facial hair until they are thirty years old. Patience may get you that full beard in time. 

Low testosterone can affect beard growth as well. If you have thought, “why won’t my beard grow?” You may want to get your testosterone levels tested. If the low levels are extreme, you may have no facial hair at all. 

Certain ethnicities can grow fuller beards. Men from different regions have less facial hair than others. 

Treatment Options

There are treatment options available for anyone who wants to know how to treat a patchy beard. One such option is Rogaine for men. It works by enlarging hair follicles and causing them to live longer and grow more hair. 

Reduce your stress. We know that stress affects scalp hair loss, and some believe it may work to thin facial hair as well. That is another reason to lower the stressors in your life. 

Eat a balanced diet. Since not getting the correct nutrients could be one of the causes of a thin beard, eating a balanced, healthy diet can help you have a full beard. 

Get more sleep. You may hear this advice a lot these days for different reasons, but here is another one. Your body repairs itself when you sleep, which affects your skin health. 

Don’t smoke, and if you do, quit. Smoking has terrible effects on your health, and that includes your skin. 

Take Care of Your Face

Whether you want a long beard or a short beard, taking good care of yourself is the key ingredient. Wash and moisturize your face to keep those pores clean and in good shape. Any facial hair traps oil around the hair follicles, which leads to clogged pores and acne. 

Even if you have thin facial hair, good grooming can make it look better than a full beard that’s not taken care of well. If you found this article helpful, check out the rest of our site for more tips like these!

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