Can Topical CBD Products Cause Drug Interaction?


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If you’re looking to navigate the world of CBD oil, it’s essential to know what products are available and what they can do. With topical CBD, you can take a natural extract on the surface of your skin, which is great for treating muscle tension and cramping during long flights or car rides. 

Once you learn how CBD interacts with your body, try incorporating other natural supplements like eucalyptus oil to create a potent blend. Traveling will never be the same again!

While it seems like everyone is using topical CBD products these days, it’s essential to understand that these products do not specifically get ingested. You might experience drug interaction with a topical product because they have the potential to absorb through your skin. 

CBD is popular to interact with some drugs, which could cause serious side effects. If you’re taking any topically applied medications or used as lotions and creams, then there’s a good chance they will interact with a topical CBD product. But that doesn’t mean you should take it without caution. 

Read this blog post to check out how you can keep your CBD gummies dosage safe so that you can get the benefits of cannabidiol without any unpleasant surprises!

 What Are Topical CBD Products?

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Topical CBD products are a different kind of product than oral CBD products. They are typically applied to the skin because they are more effective at quickly and effectively delivering high-grade cannabinoids to the bloodstream. 

Topical CBD products include creams, lotions, and balms. These products are often used for pain relief or to treat other skin conditions. You can use them to treat various medical and nonmedical conditions. Pain-relieving topics include creams and lotions, sprays, pills, and patches. Additionally, topical cannabinoid applications can also help with nausea and depression.

In other words, it promotes all-natural anti-inflammatory pain relief while inhibiting inflammation and allowing healthy tissue to repair itself. You can use these products, such as sprays and salves on any part of your body, to provide physical or psychological pain relief without the side effects usually associated with prescription painkillers.

Many companies have begun offering these products to make them more affordable than other forms of CBD. These topicals come in various forms and sizes with varying concentrations of CBD. 

Can Topical CBD Products Cause Drug Interaction?

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CBD is an abbreviation of cannabidiol and a non-psychoactive component of cannabis. It contains many medicinal properties, such as anti-inflammatory, antiemetic (anti-nausea), anticonvulsant, and pain-relieving. 

In the United States, these products are like dietary supplements or marijuana extracts. One can sell them without approval from the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) if they are not intended for human consumption but get marketed for therapeutic purposes.

Drug interaction refers to when one drug you are taking may cause or increase the effects of another (prescription) drug. It can happen when a particular substance is metabolized in the body similarly to prescribed medications, widespread with vitamins and supplements.

A drug interaction happens when two or many drugs in the same class interact in unpredictable ways that may increase or decrease their effectiveness. The safety of CBD oil supplements is of great concern to consumers. If you want to understand better how they work and what effects they might have, we need to define terms.

As we know, Drug interactions occur every day in the healthcare world, especially when it comes to drugs that people use to treat a wide range of medical conditions. The danger lies because different medications interact differently, which can be either dangerous or not very effective. 

It happens even more often in the topical area because there is no way for physicians to know beforehand whether they are using the proper medication and at the correct dose without physically checking on a patient’s health by going through their medicine cabinet.

These products can indeed cause drug interactions. The Food and Drug Administration (or FDA) has warned consumers against doing this. Some people have a genetic variant where they produce less CYP2C9 enzyme. This enzyme metabolizes CBD in the liver. So they circumvent their own ability to metabolize the medication when they take it. This same enzyme regulates many medicines like acetaminophen, which can be dangerous because it treats pain.

For the most part, topical (skin) products do not get absorbed by the body and do not significantly affect your central nervous system. Although they may be less potent than traditional medicines or medications used in a doctor’s office, topical CBD is still very much active. The active ingredient is present in a carrier oil that will absorb into the patient’s skin. This topical formula could get combined with other drugs for additional effects.

Researchers are studying the interactions between CBD and various medications. They performed studies on animals for specific medicines, but scientists are still determining how those results translate to humans in many cases.

Researchers conducted a small clinical trial of 25 children with hard-to-treat epilepsy. They found the benefits of taking clobazam and CBD together for 13 kids. The researchers recommend monitoring medication levels during treatment but state that it is safe to take both drugs together.

Some more researchers took blood samples from subjects at multiple intervals throughout the experiment. While most people had blood serum levels within acceptable therapeutic ranges, two medications — clobazam and desmethylclobazam — were outside specified fields.

The studies on CBD interactions are complex and are considered inconclusive. People do more research to determine the severity of its interactions across different medications and develop recommendations for taking them along with CBD.


Topical CBD products are famous for being applied directly onto the skin for use. They may include creams, lotions, oils, balms, and lip balms. 

These products can be either ingested or applied topically for various reasons. One everyday use is pain relief.

Use caution when using topical CBD products because they are popular with medications. If you are taking any drugs of any kind, we recommend that you consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the product.

In conclusion, the answer is yes. However, it’s important to note that researchers test only a few CBD products; they should perform more research to see if other CBD products will cause drug interactions.

Hence, this article discusses CBD topicals and their effects on drug interactions. It concludes that the risk of these interactions is low, but one should consider when using Topical CBD products.

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