Can genetic illness be improved via nutrition interventions


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Genetics are like the hardware of the body which govern a person’s health. The biologists have stated that neither nature nor how you nurture your body can explain the molecular processes that occur in the body and are responsible for human health. A particular gene or its mutation can serve as a predisposition to a particular health condition or disease. However, if the disposition will flare up to result in a disease condition or not depends on the genetic makeup of an individual along with the environmental and behavioural factors.

According to the best nutritionist in Mumbai, the integration of genetics with nutrition and lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking can help provide better understanding of an individual’s body. Although genes have been identified as extremely important factors to determine various body functions, nutrition modifies the extent of gene modification, mutation and expression to understand whether an individual is susceptible to a particular health condition established by his / her genetic makeup. 

In recent times, nutrigenomics, which was earlier referred to as study of nutrients based on genetic makeup of an individual has now been broadened to considering nutritional interventions that could have a positive impact on the genetic predispositions and can provide protection against the possible damage. 

Since, no two individuals are the same, a nutrition intervention cannot be generalised for all. Everybody is different and reacts to the nutrition intervention differently. Some may be highly responsive showing positive results while some might be completely unresponsive and some could even show adverse effects.

Various stressors exist in the body caused by inflammation, metabolic stress, oxidative stress and psychological stress. Disease conditions may arise in response to various genetic predispositions occurring due to these stressors. According to the best nutritionist in Mumbai Ryan Fernando, nutrigenomics can help to understand the role and effect of nutrition interventions to prevent many of the common modern life conditions such obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular diseases and vitamin deficiencies.

Well the answer remains yes or no!

Modern life conditions like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are also termed as lifestyle disorders since they mostly arise due to poor lifestyle and dietary habits. The modern world has moved to a high fat, high sugar western diet in the name of convenience food and time constraints due to fast life which has served as a trigger for these disease conditions. People have moved away from the traditional methods of diet which included plant based high fiber diets that were nutritious and healthy keeping us away from these lifestyle conditions. Therefore, it was observed that the traditional methods of eating were more beneficial in controlling these disease conditions and can certainly act as a means of stabilizing genetic abnormalities or mutation that could lead to a severe problem if not taken care at an initial level. The dietary interventions taken based on genetic information can serve as a step ahead in promoting better health and increase life expectancy.

Understanding genetic predisposition

It is directly linked with informed choices as well as individual lifestyle. Nutritional status forms the maximum of it. Here is a list of ailments which are more likely to occur due to the genetic makeup of an individual: 

Obesity, the most common lifestyle disorder is not only affecting adults but also small children due to inactivity and technological advancements. Additionally, looking into the genetics of the individual can help to gain information regarding predispositions of diseases that could get activated due to an inactive lifestyle and bad dietary practices. 

The genetic tests done for a person in young age could help us to gain information on if the person carries the obesity gene or no, if he is more susceptible to gaining weight or no and such information if obtained at a young age can prove to be very beneficial for a healthy life since dietary measures required to keep the gene in its inactive form can be initiated from the beginning. 

As per the best nutritionist in Mumbai, most of the disorders are triggered by obesity, lifestyle habits and routine. Even though there is no specific diet which can suit everyone, inclusion of heart healthy meals, cutting off poor nutritional habits, healthy weight maintenance, adequate fluid intake and inclusion of physical activity can help one prevent the trigger of gene markers. Each of us possess one of the markers, very few of us can control them from getting triggered!! Correct nutrition is the answer to it! 

A person can look to avoid foods that can help him put on weight and include foods such as oats, brown rice, chia seeds and generous servings of fruits and vegetables that are loaded with fiber which helps you feel full for longer and thereby aid weight loss. 

Also, understanding genetics can help you understand what your plate should look like in terms of macro nutrients that are carbohydrates, fats and proteins which would keep you healthy and prevent you from adding additional kilograms and help you maintain your weight. Similarly, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are another very common and major problem that the world is battling. 

Most of the people have genetic predispositions towards these conditions and their dietary and lifestyle choice push them over the edge to fall prey to these conditions and tie a knot with medications for a lifetime. The choices we make are mostly based on likes and dislikes. These are two factors crucial in making the wrong decision because as kids we were not taught what is actually healthy. We were always more drawn by taste rather than nutrition and the consequences for the same are seen in the later years of life.

Knowing your genes and genetic predispositions that they carry at an early age can not only help you understand the importance of correct nutrition from an early age. Parents can take extra efforts in getting help from a professional to give their child a healthy life. 

Importance of Correct Nutrition:

Correct nutrition from a younger age will help proper growth and development not only in terms of height and weight but also in terms of proper brain development and stronger bones. Additionally, it helps to correct and balance various blood parameters and avoid them accelerating into an illness. 

Lead by example:

Reducing the intake of simple sugars and consuming a diet rich in vitamins, mineral and fiber can help to maintain healthy weight and stabilize blood sugar levels that can prevent insulin resistance and hence diabetes that one was already at a risk for due to genetic predispositions. Also, adding certain foods that specifically work on blood sugar levels such as fenugreek seeds and bitter gourd could also be added.

As per the best nutritionist in Mumbai the secret to living a healthy life without being troubled by the thoughts of getting all these diseases is to get the gene tests done and be aware of what your body is actually made of and then use that information to plan your diet under the guidance of a professional who can guide you with the correct information regarding your genetic report outcomes and what foods can help them manage those symptoms and stay healthy.

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