Can COVID-19 Coronavirus live in Water – What About Drinking Water and Swimming


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Water is an essential part of our life. We drink it, use it to wash our hands or taking a bath. In fact, most of our body weight is dependent on water. So we can say that the water lives in our bodies. Thereby, it is imperative to find out whether COVID-19 coronavirus live in water or not. Also, when you visit places like beaches, pools and oceans, you become even more worried and want to know can COVID live in water or not. So here you will get to know the truth. 

Firstly, know that the best part about water is its nature. It helps to dilute things. So, if the virus is in your water, there is a low risk that it might harm you. Also, fortunately, there is no evidence of the coronavirus living in the water. 

Apart from this, water plants are also responsible for filtering and removing all the viruses from water, particularly the ones causing COVID 19. In fact, the environmental agencies have also ensured that the water is safe to drink.

Risk of Virus Transmission

According to the World Health Organization, coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory or gastrointestinal disorders. Coronavirus can easily spread from person to person.

However, the risk of transmission depends upon the duration of exposures and prevention taken by an individual. 

Is Drinking Water Safe or Not?

In the current situation of COVID 19, we recommend water treatment methods like filtration and chlorination to eliminate all the germs that can cause any virus. According to research, the coronavirus is not discovered in tap water or drinking water. Therefore, the risk of getting the coronavirus from tap water or drinking water is low. 

There is no need to specifically boil the filtered water before consuming it for your personal need. But while drinking water, it is safe not to give your glass or water to someone else.

Can COVID live in Water that we waste?

According to some studies, there is a minor chance that the water we waste carries COVID 19. However, there is no data that due to wastewater, anyone has become a victim of coronavirus. Besides, many water plants are using disinfectants to remove bacteria. In the current situation, it is essential to reduce the wastage of water and maintain a freshwater system. 

Is Swimming Pool Safe from Coronavirus?

If you want to enjoy swimming or relaxing in the hot tub or pool that is not maintained as it should be, just don’t. There must be specifically some other virus that can affect your health.

When it comes to swimming during COVID, the dangerous thing is not the pool or beach but the people themselves. In addition, they will not avoid touching chairs, towels, tongs, guard rails, and other things. These actions are harmful in these days of social distancing.

As summers are around the corner and you must be wondering that is COVID 19 effects over pools. There is no such evidence that the virus spread via swimming pool or water sports. Still, it is the best practice if you maintain the social distance in public water parks or pools.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, coronavirus is not going to survive if the water is properly maintained or regularly checked.

Thing You Need to do to limit the Spread

The best practice is to avoid going to the swimming pool in the time of pandemic. Because when it comes to limit the spread of COVID-19, it is you who decide.

  • Practice respiratory hygiene and cover your nose and face with elbow or tissue when you cough and sneeze. Afterward, dispose that tissue as soon as possible. 
  • Practice social distancing and avoid crowded places.
  • Stay home if you are feeling sick.
  • Frequently wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. 
  • Use sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol. 
  • Whenever the vaccine is available get vaccinated as soon as possible. 
  • If you feel any symptoms of COVID’ 19, get your test done as soon as possible.
  • Do not touch your face, particularly your eyes, and nose. According to studies, avoid wearing lenses because individuals using lenses touch their face more often. 

Personal Preventive Measures

If you want to limit the spread of COVID’19, then avoid sharing stuff like food, water, toys, and toiletries with friends and family. Unfortunately, if you are feeling cough or difficulty in breathing, seek medical help in advance and follow the directions strictly from your doctor. In this way, you will not only protect others but yourself as well. 

Final Words

In conclusion, there is no evidence that the coronavirus lives in drinking water or swimming water. However, swimming activities are not risk-free, and you have to maintain social distance.

As above, we have mentioned that water is not harmful during a pandemic but on the other hand, it is your responsibility to take all the health precautions before going out for swimming or drinking water.

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