Camel Milk – Trending Superfood for Diabetic Individuals and Lactose Intolerants


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Undeniably, diabetes is one of the highly emerging health issues in every part of the world. This chronic health problem mainly depicts that a person has extremely low or extremely high blood glucose levels. Seeing the sudden increase is definitely a matter of concern that needs to be paid attention to. 

If you are a diabetic individual, then definitely, you must have spent enough on consuming medications or injecting insulin in routine. Despite these two ways, there are plenty of foods and supplements that can cure it. But not every product shows positive results! If your search is still on and you wish to find alternatives that can improve or balance your sugar levels, then here’s a superfood you need to consider: Camel Milk

Many studies have found that camel milk, when consumed in routine, helps reduce the risk of diabetes while balancing it over time. For individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this alternative has shown high efficacy in improving glycemic profiles. In simple words, individuals who actually knew how to use camel milk for diabetes have significantly improved not only in the blood glucose but also in their insulin requirements, HbA1c levels, and quality of life in a short period. Sounds incredible, right? 

In contrast to the above statement, camel milk or camel milk powder has also benefited people who have type 2 diabetes. And guess what? The effect has been quite gradual but effective. The hypoglycemic effect of the camel milk when combined with antidiabetic medications, has reduced the HbA1c and postprandial glucose levels. Indeed, it has been a therapeutic food for diabetic individuals.

Apart from this, camel milk benefits diabetes patients in many other ways like:

#1. Good for Lactose Intolerants 

Being allergic to the ordinary cow or buffalo milk is quite common these days, as the same condition is an indication that you have lactase deficiency. This lack causes severe diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain, which is hard to bear. Whereas, camel milk has been a proven alternative for individuals who have been allergic to cow milk as it has less lactose content present in it. 

#2. Rich in Healthy Nutrients 

Camel milk for sale found at many local and online stores has made it easily accessible. The reason it is one of the best selling items and is preferred more over other milk variants is that it is highly rich in nutrients vital for our physical and mental well-being. It has less saturated fat and a substantial iron, carbs, potassium, protein, calcium, and much more. The long chain of healthy fatty acids and linoleic acid fosters the brain and heart growth over time. For instance, 120 ml of camel milk bottle contains: 

  • 5% of Vitamin C
  • 3 grams of Protein
  • 6% of Potassium and Phosphorus
  • 50 Calories 
  • 3 grams of Fat
  • 16% of Calcium
  • 5 grams of Carbs 
  • 29% and 8% of Thiamine and Riboflavin respectively 

Now, simply imagine consuming so many nutrients every day. How healthy the body and mind is going to be? Sounds fantastic, right? 

#3. Boosts Collagen Production

Individuals who know how to use camel milk for diabetes, they also know that it merely helps in increasing collagen production. If you pair up camel milk with your routine diet and exercise, there are high chances that you will see a significant improvement in your skin and those anti-aging signs disappearing. The presence of abundant natural AHAs and iron along with Vitamin C & D gradually helps in brightening and toning the skin. There are plenty of Instagram celebrities who have claimed that adding camel milk to their DIY face masks have enabled them to achieve an even-toned skin with reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

#4. Promotes good immunity 

Lastly, camel milk has active compounds that act as a shield and fight disease-causing organisms. Mainly, the compounds are immunoglobulins and lactoferrin that hold immune-boosting characteristics. Besides, being anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal, it holds a strong potential of keeping the unwanted infections and radicals at bay. 

Consequently, not every camel milk product for sale online is going to be useful enough. So, make sure to buy it from a renowned seller who offers it under the FDA protocols. Are you ready to switch to an alternative that is promising, easy to consume, and has plenty of benefits? If so, now is the time to add it to your morning smoothies or just soak your favorite oats, coffee, pancakes, or baked goods! 

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