Best Yoga Poses to Keep Your Fresh Whole Day


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Yoga is an age old practice that was founded in India by ancient sages and saints. These saints came up with the practice of yoga when they realized that there existed a realm that was beyond physical and mental alone. In order to reach that state of spiritual enlightenment they had to first detach themselves from all the worldly and materialistic attachments such as behavior, personality, honor, pride, ego, relations and other such attachments that have a hold or a grip on the human mind and then finally sit down to practice the intense practices of yoga that train the body and work on the mind too. The spiritual realm and the path to that existence needed a lot of practice and training of the breath mind and body. 

Yoga is the practice and the training of the body and the mind to help it reach that state of enlightened being while still being of a mortal existence on the planet. The word yoga is a Sanskrit word that fairly translates to “the union”. This union is the union of the physical body and the mental body to come together in a unique synchronization that further helps one to practice yoga in a unique rhythm that is unique to every individual. 

The practices of yoga can be found as a scripture in the four sacred texts of the Hindu culture. They are the Rig Veda, Sam Veda, Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda. Yoga can be found in writing in the Rig Veda.

In today’s date, yoga has reached all parts of the world. The traveling of yoga to the overseas audience can be credited to Swami Vivekananda. People have started to practice yoga seriously after having experiencing the true benefits of the practice of yoga. It may not be to be able to reach a spiritual enlightenment but people do experience a sense of balance in their everyday perspective and the way they lead their lives so far. 

People have travelled in the past and still travel to India to get their yoga teacher training in India. Yoga enthusiasts flock in large numbers to learn this practice from the authentic source of origination. 

The secret behind practicing yoga to help you thriving throughout the day is that one must include the practice of all their body parts as well as their mind while practicing yoga in the morning time. Where Surya Namashkara and all its sequences are an amazing way to practice your entire body and its parts, meditation is also very essential to keep you calm and relaxed throughout the day. 

Apart from doing your Surya Namaskaras and meditation while on a yoga session, here are some of the best yoga poses for all the yoga enthusiasts out there to help them keep fresh and thriving all day.

  1. Vrkshasana (The Tree Pose)

This pose is a great pose to engage your entire body parts.

To do this pose:

  • Start by standing in an attention position. 
  • Now slowly raise your right leg and touch the side of thighs so that they make a number 4 like shape.
  • The sole of your right foot should be rested on the side of the thigh of the left leg. 
  • Now while looking ahead, slowly raise both your arms above your head and join them into a Namaste.
  • Breathe freely and comfortably for as long as you can in this pose.
  • Now do the same with the other leg.
  1. Marjariasana (cat-cow pose)

This pose is amazing for instant nervous stimulation and provides a calming effect. This also helps stretch a lot of your abdomen chest and arm muscles as you stretch.

To do this pose:

  • Start by kneeling on all your fours, face towards the ground.
  • Now while breathing freely bends upwards while forming an upside down U arching your back upwards.
  • Now breathe freely in this position.
  • Now slowly bend inwards forming an arch inwards trying to form a U arching your back downwards.
  • Breathe freely while in this position.
  1. Balasana (child pose)

This pose allows surrender of stress and anxiety and relieves mental burden. This also brings you down to a relaxed state of mind, like that of a child. This is a restorative asana and hence an amazing pose for calming the body and mind.

To do this pose:

  • Start by being seated in the vajrasana that is sitting on the cusp of your sole.
  • Now slowly bend from the waist and bring yourself towards the ground so that your forehead is touching the ground.
  • Now bring your arms backwards in alignment with your calves and let them loose and relaxed. 
  • Breathe freely and comfortably for as long as you feel relaxed and calm. 
  1. Viparita Karani Asana (legs up the wall pose)

This is another restorative pose. This asana helps circulation of body fluids towards the upper body which is very relaxing because, with gravity, the fluids are known to be most of the time majorly circulated only in the lower body.

To do this pose:

  • Start by lying on the ground with your back touching the ground. 
  • The hips should be touching the wall at a 90 degree angle.
  • Now stretch your legs straight on the wall as the legs touch the wall.
  • Now spread your arms out on the ground so than none of your body parts are freely suspended in the air.
  • Now breathe comfortably and freely while holding the pose.
  1. Savasana (corpse pose)

This is the best restorative pose there is. It works wonders to relax your mind and body. Sometimes people even fall into a deep sleep while performing this asana. This is the ultimate relaxation pose there is.

To do this pose:

  • Lay on the ground simply with your back of your body touching the ground.
  • Slightly spread your legs apart and similarly spread your arms.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • Lay in the position for as long as it feels comfortable and relaxing. 

Author Bio :

Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He organize 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh and Ayurveda Course in Kerala. Manmohan loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas and Trekking in India.

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