Best Ways To Build Your Child’s Vocabulary At Home


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A recent survey of secondary school students revealed that 40% of the students have a weak vocabulary. Many students are graduating from primary schools without learning enough 8th grade vocabulary words that are inadequate for their academic level. This is an alarming situation. Due to that, parents are worried about the children’s examination performance and career growth in the future.

Why is Vocabulary Important? 

Vocabulary doesn’t only help in writing, but it plays a significant role in the conversation. Vocabulary empowers the young ones to put their emotion into words, socialize with others, and imagine. Whether someone is trying to excel in school exams or enhance communication skills, a good vocabulary is crucial. Because vocabulary is the fundamental element of the English language. Good writing and communication skills cater to better career opportunities for the children. That’s why they must be getting adequate knowledge of words during their school time. 

Being parents, you are responsible for taking care of your children’s learning. But how can you assist them? Well, don’t worry about it anymore. In this article, we will address some of the most effective ways of bringing up the vocabulary level of your children so they can improve their English skills and excel in any spelling quiz.  

Daily Conversations with Your Children

There is one universal fact about children; they love talking! And what better to use something of their interest to improve English skills. Our little ones are like foams, so it is crucial to soak them with the knowledge from the very beginning. The essence of communications between the child and parents works as the critical agent for influencing their vocabulary. It is better to teach them new vocabulary words through small conversations as more words they could learn at an early age, the better their future will be in terms of academics and career-wise. You can try some techniques like naming different countries of the world and naming the house objects that they can see. With that also work on the introductory words, which assist them in explaining their emotions most prominently.

Read Together

There is famous saying, 

“If you want your kids to be intelligent, read them books, if you want them to be more intelligent, read them more books” 

That sums up the significance of reading in children. Reading has a vital role in the growth of children. It nourishes them to think independently and learn more vocab. Make it a habit of reading some pages of a book every day. Don’t just limit reading to the course books as it can get boring, and your child could start spurning from reading. Find a book of their interest, and read it with routine. We all loved to hear stories in our childhood. Read them all the interesting stories than talking about the details of those stories to help their comprehension skills. Today, you can find many interactive ways to make learning fun for kids, there are reading worksheets, multiplication chart, fun worksheets, that your kid will love to do and learn from them.

One New Word for a Day

A young kid cannot absorb much information in a day. That’s why a gradual learning approach with limited learning is better for kids. In this way, they can understand and retain information for a long time. You can introduce one to them with one new word every day to increase their vocabulary efficiently. In this way, they would lean up to 365 words by the end of the year. Isn’t that amazing? You could use a dictionary or website like SpellQuiz to suggest new words. The website is a better option because it has the sorted words list as per the age of the children, and it suggests words according to that. With that, make sure your child also understands the meaning and usage of those words.

Encourage Them to Write

The majority of school-going kids lose their interest in writing because school teachers forced them to write about things that don’t match their interests. But home is different from schools, and you’re not their teacher but a parent. It would be best if you encourage your children to write anything about the topics of their choice. Good writing is the key to many doors of opportunity for them in the present, which will be in the future. Remember, don’t correct them, and let them enjoy writing in their space freely. 

Usage of Spelling Words

What’s the point of teaching your children new vocabulary if they can’t use them properly? It’s like a loaded gun without a fire button. So, sit with them and teach them about the proper usage of those words. It will help them to understand the context of the situations. You can use the spelling list of the books, or you can download it from any kids learning website. After downloading the list, get them to use those words in the sentences and teach them to look into a dictionary for finding the meaning of those words.

Play spelling games with your children

There is something common about every kid. They love playing games, so what learning technique can be better than a one that comes up with fun. Spelling games like scrabble are the best way to enhance your children’s spelling skills. When kids play, they don’t feel the burden of studying, which is why you should play these games with them.

All In All

Learning new vocabulary words is not an easy task. It will take some time. But by following these ways, you can make learning a fun experience for your children, and they would learn new words without knowing that you’re trying to teach them.

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