Best strategies to play poker online and win


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With the appropriate game selection, bankroll management, and these 5 basic but very successful methods, you’ll be able to start winning in no time, and you’ll be able to convert poker into a secondary or even primary source of income. Let’s get started if you’re ready!

Always use the table selection before playing

One of the main advantages of playing poker online (in most rooms) is the ability to choose a table and a place at it. I would also add here the possibility to choose a poker room for the game. Good site to play

Almost all online poker rooms offer players various bonuses and buns as a thank you for choosing their room. In addition, smaller and less well-known rooms can potentially attract more recreational players, so you really should “go shopping” and find the best option.

In any case, when playing poker online, you should get into the habit of carefully choosing a table and a place at it, because today it can become a decisive edge between a plus player and a minus one.

Sitting down at the table, you should always understand where the main EV will come from.

You should look for tables with a high average bank size. This will mean a potentially looser table with more recreational players. These are players who constantly commit a lot of bad actions. And this, of course, means a big expected profit for you!

Moreover, you should aim to sit to the left of one of these players. This way, you will be able to isolate him more often on the preflop and play in a position against him on the post-flop. This will increase your chances of his stack. 

As a bonus for you, it will be if at the same time you manage to sit to the right of a very tight player. This way, you don’t have to worry too much about being loosely re-raised and creating a lot of uncomfortable spots for you. You will also get an additional EV from the unobstructed steel blinds.

So, always having at least one bad player at the table is one of the best and proven ways to consistently win when you play poker online.

The most proven strategy is tight-aggressive one 

When it comes to playing online poker at low limits, you should stick to tight-aggressive play. It may seem trite, but it still works.

What makes this strategy so effective is the fact that it exploits the general tendencies of most of the players you will encounter, namely loose and passive phishing. They usually play too many hands, call too many, pull firewood that should not be pulled, and so on.

Basically, you should only play those hands that have at least some playability on the post-flop, that is, they are either very strong on their own (for example, Broadway or pocket pairs), or have a good potential to get into a strong combination (for example, one-match connectors).

This means that on average you will play around 20% of all hands (these will be pocket pairs, Broadway, one-match aces, and one-match connectors). The rest is garbage, and it should most often be thrown away in high-rake conditions unless it is an exploit.

Don’t miss the opportunity to increase the size of the pot

The majority of your poker winnings will come from your powerful combos. The only difficulty is that powerful hands come in seldom, so you have to get the most out of them when they do come in. This implies that you should never pass up an opportunity to expand the pot’s capacity, especially if a fish is present.

When you have a strong hand with a fish, do not try to be wise somehow and use some deceptive lines, such as slop-play.

Most likely, your “tricky” game will pass much higher than the level of thinking of most of the fishes.

Instead, play your strong hands as straightforwardly as possible. Also, don’t worry about scaring your opponent off with big bets. If they have something, they’ll knock you off anyway in case you’re bluffing, or in case they get to their miracle backdoor. 

Don’t bluff the fish too much and always make them pay for their ridiculous firewood. Finally, make sure that you use high-quality poker HUDs to always know who is playing at your table and how.

Bluff in weak regulars

In addition to the fishes, at low limits, you will also definitely encounter players who are not noobs, but also far from professionals. All they know is “playing tight”.

They will play a reasonable number of hands-on preflop, but they will be too passive and indecisive on the post-flop if they do not have a really strong hand. And if they have it, they will let you know about it.

An effective advanced strategy against such guys is the opposite of the one you will use against the fishes, and that means bluffing.

However, there are other ways to exploit weak regs. You should also use their blinds more often, 3-bet lighter, shoot more actively on the post-flop, check-raise, and so on.

They will often give you banks with thoughts like “OK, take it, but only this time!”. And when they snap, you can be sure that they are ahead.

An additional advantage of such a “brazen” game is that after a while they will start to call you wider. Therefore, as soon as you are dealt a real monster, you will be able to take them away as much as the fish. This extra “meta-game” EV can be a key edge between you and the field.

Thus, you need to bluff more in weak regulars, and it is normal if you will be bluffed from time to time. This will mean that you are doing everything right!

Play very aggressively

Briefly, this topic has been touched upon in the previous paragraphs, but it requires more detailed coverage. As we have already said, most of your profit will come to you from strong hands, but they will not come across too often.

Bluffing can be a plus in the spots suitable for this, but it is also a riskier game because from time to time you will be exposed. That’s why an effective semi-bluffing strategy can be insanely profitable, and probably all trainers teach this these days.

A semi-bluff is a bet made at a time when you don’t have a ready hand yet, but it can improve on subsequent streets. Therefore, when you have a very strong draw on your hands, for example, an OESD or a flush draw, always consider the option of a semi-bluff.

First, because you may compel your opponent to fake a bigger hand, it can be immediately beneficial; second, even if you are split off, you will still have some equity to reach and perhaps win a large pot.

When you have a powerful draw, it’s better to start raising the pot ahead of time than waiting for it to close, since even if it does, your opponent may notice and become less willing to pay.

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