Basic Tips For New Mother – The Secrets Forty Winks

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THave you just entered the phase of becoming a parent? Is your newborn darling home, safe and sound? The movies show the cute babies calmly making these sweet sounds and sleeping blissfully in their warm, cosy baby beds. 

This is a picture every new mom will have during her pregnancy days. And Then Comes the truth! Your world turns upside down when your baby decides to change your routine. Sleepless nights, timeless hours of panic, rushing through meals, forgetting to complete chores, having no time to catch up with friends- Its mostly confusion. But don’t worry.

The confusion, the rush, the weary looks- all are worthwhile as you are doing the best for your baby. One of the most important pieces of advice which people often forget to give you is -Prioritise your sleep time. There needs to be a healthy relationship between the new mother and sleep:

Organise the House 

Yes, your days are completely crazy with both the baby and the new mom bursting into tears any time of the day. However, things can get better with a little planning. First, get the house organised and set things in proper places. With an organised home, your mind starts clearing up. Find space for the baby things and put them together. This way you will not have to spend extra time hunting for stuff.

For example -Keep a basket for baby clothes and if you don’t get time to always fold them, you can always dump them in the basket. This way, you won’t have to go searching all the shelves for these cute little clothes. So, fix a place for everything babyish. The same rule applies in the kitchen. Baby food, baby utensils and bottles sterilising equipment, medicines – Give them a separate shelf.

Once the house is organised, you tend to get more relaxed and settled. This plays a great role in calming your crazy, speeding thoughts.

Get a Routine set at Home

Again this sounds strange. But works, at least for the adults of the home. If you have extra hands to help out in the kitchen and with the household duties, get all the assistance you can. Fix your meal preparation time, eating hours, bathing time etc. Make sure that the adults in the house follow the routine.

Your baby should also have a common routine that he /she will gradually get used to. The advantage is when the rest of the work is getting done at the time scheduled, you will get lucky to pop into the bed when the baby sleeps. Never set aside something to do when the baby sleeps. He sleeps, you sleep. That’s the rule from now.

Make your Bedroom a Sanctuary

You have to set a sleep conducive environment in your bedroom, suggests experts from Wakefit.  Remove the clutter and make the bedroom attractive with a cosy mattress. It should feel inviting and warm as you even think about taking a nap. Draw the curtains and leave the room comfortable for sleep time. Keep your favourite music records which lull you and baby to sleep near you. Take a vow that you will relax even if it is just for 10 precious minutes.

No Harm in taking turns with your Partner

It is not only mom, or only dad who has to be sleep-deprived. Baby is a shared responsibility, so take turns with your partner. Make it on a shift rotational basis. This way both of you will get some quality sleep. And don’t forget to make a temporary sleeping arrangement for the parent who is supposed to get some sleep. The same room doesn’t work. You have to sleep soundly even if it is just for an hour or so till your shift starts.A

Keep trying the Sleep Time Routine

Sometimes you will be lucky if your baby decides to sleep at a particular time. Observe for a few days and you will notice the pattern. Grab that chance and organise all other activities at other times. This way both of you can rest at the same time.

Leave your Work Issues at the Office

It’s not going to help when you bring your work home. The baby needs your attention and you have to form a loving bond. So for a while, let your office people know that you have a greater priority waiting for your at home.

Remember to: 

  • Exercise for minimum 15minutes daily
  • Follow healthy eating
  • Talk to family and friends
  • Ask for help whenever and wherever required
  • Never take sleep medication
  • Visit your doctor if any issues

Parents of a newborn baby must find a good sleep environment. The absence of quality sleep can lead to not only health hazards, but also increases the chance of accidents happening.

You cannot afford to be absent-minded when it comes to taking care of the precious bundle of joy. Make sure you make an effort to look after yourself even amidst such chaos. Just hold on for a while. Keep reminding yourself that you too need to sleep. A happy mom smiles and Lil baby just love to see that smile!

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