Are You an Aspiring Swimmer? See These 5 Sure-fire Ways to Kickstart Your Career in Swimming


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Swimming is merely more than a sport or recreational activity. Being able to swim can save your life, and other people’s lives in different ways. And that’s why learning how to swim isn’t something you might want to overlook in life. 

Someday and somehow, your swimming skills could be your best tool for survival. Aside from that, swimming helps keep your overall health at its top shape. 

Now, if you’re searching for a shed of light to start your swimming career or boost your swimming skills, know that you opened the right pages. Come and take a look at these tips of a lifetime by reading through the next pages – who knows, you could be the Next Michael Felps, right?

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1. Get to know the proper breathing practice.

A proper breathing ability is a big help to boost your swimming skills. If your breathing skills are kind of low, then you better practice until you get it right. 

It’s also a plus factor if you learn the art of breathing bilaterally. Bilateral breathing is the swimmers’ most approved breathing method. This method is referring to inhaling and exhaling on alternative sides. 

However, breathing in an open-water is different than that in a lap pool. Enrolling in swimming classes will help you develop your breathing skills and enhance your swimming abilities. 

2. Make use of different pieces of training equipment.

Another way to boost your swimming career is by adding some resistance to your swim workout sessions. Training equipment such as fins, paddles, kickboards, snorkel, and proper swimming attire may help boost your progress.

You may refer to swimwear (bathing suit, swimsuit, swim trunks or board shorts), swimming caps, earplugs, and nose clips as proper swimming attire. If wearing swimming caps from department stores is a bit out of style for you, custom swim caps will save you from that dilemma. From the name itself, custom swim caps are swim caps made by considering the customer’s preference. 

Back to the training equipment – training equipment may boost your overall progress in swimming as it may enhance your muscular engagement as you move in the water. You may start using standard training equipment and move to another level of training equipment as you get used to using the equipment. 

Take a look at this article: The Secrets to Putting on a Swimming Cap Just Like a Pro.

3. Start living a healthy lifestyle. 

Any sport requires you to have or commit to a healthy lifestyle. It’s because what you eat, may affect your overall health, which may also soon affect your swimming performance. Thus, if you want to boost your swimming career and skills, break the bad habits such as smoking, irresponsible alcohol drinking, use and intake of drugs, and sleeping late at night. 

Fuel up with nutrient-enriched foods like fruits and vegetables. Protein-enriched foods like chicken, fish, eggs, milk, and nuts may help build up your body. It’s also essential to keep your body hydrated all the time, so, drinking lots of water, fruit juices or energy drinks, is a must.  

4. Train shorter but faster

In swimming, reaching the lap in a shorter time makes you a winner. That’s why you need to practice swimming faster if you want to boost your career in the water – also, learn to practice or train shorter.

It’s because training shorter enables you to practice with more frequency. Also, shorter swim training allows you to do a quick swim, even with a busy schedule. 

You may also want to read this one: 6 Best Tips to Have A Healthy Scalp and Longer Hair.

5. Keep an eye on the techniques.

As a swimmer, an efficient and effective movement through the water is the key to an excellent performance. While swimming might seem a piece of cake, it’s almost 800 times denser than air, which makes it harder for you to move over and over beneath the water. 

With that, you have to have excellent technical skills that differ from that of land-based sports. Elevating propulsion or decreasing the drag are the two keys to swim faster. For you to achieve that, you must pay attention to the techniques and don’t give up. 

Swimming towards your first lap

Swimming might not be the stiffest sport, but it’s for sure not the most relaxed sport as well. That’s why the thought of entering the swimming industry or making swimming as a hobby is both a pleasurable choice to make.  

So, swim towards your first lap without leaving these tips. And don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. 


Kath Ramirez took up journalism as her Bachelor’s Degree with Bachelor of library and information science on the side and now writes for American SwimCaps. It’s a company that’s well-known for its personalised swim cap offers. After a busy working week, you’ll either see her binge-watch on Netflix, cuddling with her fur babies, bonding with her family or devouring her mom and sisters’ homemade goodies.

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