Are Hair Transplant Results Permanent?

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All processes related to hair transplant results can take 1-2 years on average. Issues such as the amount of hair transplanted, the density of hair in the area, and the area where the transplant is performed also significantly affect this process. Whether you prefer FUE hair transplantation or DHI hair transplantation method, you should take your doctor’s warnings into consideration to get the best result from hair transplantation. In addition, you should not neglect control and follow-up appointments. You should definitely inform your doctor in case of any allergy, rash that does not go away or different medication use and discomfort.

Thus, your hair transplantation process will proceed in the healthiest way and you will be informed if there is a point where you need to take precautions. In order to get the best result with hair transplantation, the most appropriate method and transplantation method is the main factor. You can read the article to learn what you wonder about the results and process of hair transplantation in Turkey, to be examined and to start the process..

Hair Transplant Treatment for Women

Hair transplant treatment for women is basically the same as hair transplant treatment for men. However, there are some differences. In men, the hair is shaved before starting hair transplantation treatment and then the procedure is started. In women, hair transplantation can be performed without hair scraping. No incisions and stitches are applied in hair transplantation treatment. It is a reliable method. Successful results are obtained.

The techniques used in hair transplantation treatment in women are FUE hair transplantation and DHI hair transplantation methods. Micromotor is used in FUE hair transplantation method. It leaves no trace in the area where the hair follicles are taken. The DHI method is a hair transplantation method that can be applied without the need to shave the hair. Both methods can be applied for female hair transplantation treatment. If you want to have operations such as FUE hair transplantation, DHI hair transplantation and get information about whether these operations are suitable for you, you can visit  website and get information from specialist physicians.

How Should Hair Care Be Done After Hair Transplantation?

To prevent damage to the transplanted hair follicles after hair transplantation;

  • Avoid activities that will make the scalp sweat for the first few days. Because sweat can damage the transplanted hair follicles.
  • Also, while sleeping in the first days, you should lie in a position that prevents the transplanted areas from rubbing against the pillow.
  • Hair should never be washed for the first two days.
  • After the third day, hair care and washing should be done with shampoos with appropriate pH in line with your doctor’s recommendation.

What is the recovery time after a FUE Hair Transplant in Istanbul?

FUE hair transplant is a procedure with minimal need for rest and an estimated recovery time of 7-10 days. However, certain factors can affect the recovery time, such as age, health condition, lifestyle choices, and type of surgery performed. It usually takes around two weeks for complete healing to take place. After a hair transplant, following the post-operative instructions provided by your doctor FUE before and after the procedure is essential. They include taking prescribed medications on time, avoiding strenuous activities for at least two weeks after the surgery, and cleaning your scalp gently. It would help if you also avoided direct sunlight exposure and wore loose-fitting clothing while sleeping to reduce discomfort during the healing process. Hair follicles grow in cycles, and visible hair growth takes around two years. FUE hair transplants are performed on patients with a long history of balding or thinning to give them their desired hair count.

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