An Overview on Copper Exploration

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Without minerals and metals, our life will lack value. They have become one of the most critical resources for society, without which our lifestyle will be devastated. You will find mined material used for building the basic infrastructure, producing green technologies including electric vehicles and solar panels, and electrical purposes. One of the most imminent metals, copper dating back more than ten thousand years, is used for multiple purposes. We cannot imagine our lives without it.

Properties of Copper

Copper is an ancient metal that changed the lifestyle of humans effectively and made it more sustainable. About seven to ten thousand years ago, our ancestors already brought light to the extreme usefulness of copper. Copper was a significant part of ancient culture. The oldest artifacts made with the help of copper date back to the Neolithic period. Archeologists have discovered varied tools and other decorative items made with copper. 

You will be exhilarated to know most of the copper that we are utilizing today was mined since 1900 though it has been a critical chemical element for a very long time. Copper is an essential element that has plenty of useful properties listed as follows:

  • High ductility and malleability.
  • Good thermal and electrical conductivity.
  • Good resistance from corrosion and biofouling.
  • High machinability.
  • Great strength. 

Exploration of Copper

You are familiar with the versatility of the usage of copper metal; you should also know that the extraction process of copper is a bit complex. The very first step of the extraction process is exploration. This step involves multiple activities which help to determine if the ground is enriched with copper metal. Wherever minerals are identified with this process for commercial production, mining operations can be followed. Many exploration companies such as Codelco and Collective Mining are highly dedicated to copper exploration. The Collective Mining stock price may rise as it is advancing its services on a large scale. With this process, it is also evaluated how much minerals can be extracted commercially from that particular part. Exploration is done by:

  • Geological Mapping– Geological mapping refers to the process of comprehending rocks of the earth. It is an important step to gather information about the locations and conditions of mineral deposits formation. Primarily, geological maps describe the lithology and morphology of rocks. 
  • Survey of ground– Survey is critical to be done in order to obtain geological information of that area. The instruments used in this activity can be either mounted on aircraft or heave underneath. Physical properties like rock type, structure, groundwater conditions are also examined.
  • Testing of water and soil samples– The testing of samples is crucial to determine the spatial orientation, alteration, mineralogy, and competency of ore. 
  • Drilling– This process helps in determining the material composition of soil present in different locations. Drilling is done to acquire very circumstantial information about the formation taking place underneath the ground.


Copper is one of the oldest metals that have nurtured humans to develop, innovate, and become efficient. The demands of this metal can be fulfilled only when we use it sustainably. Exploration is the initial step of mineral extraction and involves multiple activities.

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