All You Need to Know About Erectile Dysfunction

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An individual who is facing an issue of keeping a firm erection for sexual activity is said to have erectile dysfunction. It is categorised as one of the most common sexual problems reported by males. 

Individuals who face problems with their sexual performance may be reluctant to talk to a doctor as they might view it as an embarrassing issue. However, if someone is facing erectile dysfunction progressively or more frequently, it should be considered as a serious issue and proper treatment should be received. For that purpose, various medical clinics or med spas such as Bloom Aesthetics Medspa can be visited. You can also visit for Overcome premature ejaculation.

What Are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can have a number of causes that may include health issues, emotional problems or even both. 

Physical Causes

It doesn’t matter if the cause of this problem is simple or serious, a proper diagnosis can help in addressing any medical issue and resolving sexual difficulties. 

Not having enough blood flow in the penis due to hardened arteries, high blood sugar or heart disease etc can cause erectile dysfunction. Other than that, if the blood doesn’t stay in the penis, it becomes quite hard for a man to keep an erection. 

Moreover, injuries, diseases or surgery in the pelvic area may harm the nerves leading to the penis, hence, the nerve signals from the brain or spinal cord will not reach the penis causing erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, the usage of drugs for the treatment of other health problems may also have a negative impact on erections. 

The good news about this problem is that there are treatment solutions that you can take. One of which is by taking Member XXL capsules which are known to be effective as a treatment to increase the length and thickness of the member, it has many advantages such as: 1. This product increases the sensitivity of the penis. This is because the erections get bigger and harder. In this way it increases the pleasure for you and your partner. 2. Member XXL capsules are composed of the best natural extracts with aphrodisiac properties. This will increase your libido and improve your sex drive. 3. Erectile dysfunction becomes a problem of the past as this formula increases blood flow to the penis. Promoting good quality erections. 4. You can have longer sex; forget about premature ejaculation.

Emotional or Psychological Causes

In order to engage in normal sexual activity, your mind and body should work together as emotional problems can either act as a root of erectile dysfunction or can worsen it. Depression, anxiety, relationship conflicts, stress from social, cultural or religious conflicts or stress at work or home are some of the common emotional issues that may act as a cause for erectile dysfunction. 

Sometimes, however, medical and psychological conditions may overlap and consequently lead to erectile dysfunction. For example, a physical cause can be that a man may be obese which means that changes in the blood flow may affect his ability to maintain an erection. Additionally, he may also have a psychosocial issue of having low self-esteem which can have a negative impact on erectile function. 

Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Treated?

There are a number of treatments available for erectile dysfunction and the majority of the individuals are likely to find a solution that would work for them. Viagra pills are the most common and most used type of drug. They can be consumed about 30 to 60 minutes before engaging in sexual activity. However, the PDE-5 inhibitors are only available after a doctor’s prescription and possible side effects may include flushing, visual abnormalities, hearing loss and headache etc. 

The use of vacuum erections devices is a mechanical way to produce an erection for those individuals who don’t want to use drug treatments, or the drug treatments don’t work for them. 

Other than the drug and mechanical treatment, there are also surgical treatment options available which may include penile implants and vascular surgery. However, even though the success rates are high, surgical treatments are the last resort and are only considered in the most extreme cases.

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