All You Need to Know About Diabetes


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What is Diabetes?

You must have heard about diabetes but do you know what condition is diabetes? Well, diabetes refers to a condition where the body cells of a person either become incapable of utilizing insulin or the body produces insufficient insulin. 

What is Insulin?

A hormone presents in your body, produced by pancreas. The production of insulin is related to the control of glucose levels in your body. Consequently, if a person has diabetes, he/she will have a high glucose level in his/her body. 

Any Cure? 

Diabetes is incurable but by selecting the best diet for diabetes you can fight this disease. Similarly, you can control it by changing your lifestyle. 

When to Start Treatment?

Its treatment should be started instantly after diagnosis. Else, if a you get late in diagnosing or started a late treatment, there is a great risk of many tissues and organs damages in your body due to high levels of blood sugar. 

Such damages to body tissues and organs may lead to various complications including vision loss, peripheral vascular disease, kidney damages, cataracts, strokes, heart attack, and never damages. 

Types of Diabetes

There are three major types of diabetes including Type I and II and Gestational diabetes. 

Type I Diabetes

It is the type of diabetes where a person’s immune system strikes against beta cells that yield insulin to destroy them. In such conditions, the insulin production by the body is insufficient thereby sugar in blood gets very high and uncontrollable. 

The pancreas is an important organ in your body that contains beta cells.

Out of the total diabetic population, 5% of patients are suffering from this type. Usually, this disease occurs during childhood and adulthood however, it may also happen at any phase of your life. 

Type II Diabetes 

In this type, cells of the body are incapable to utilize insulin effectively. In this condition, insulin gets failed to affect body cells because these cells start showing resistance against insulin. Therefore, it leads to uncontrollable sugar level in the blood. 

Furthermore, this type generally occurs amongst 30-above people or those who are obese or overweight. 

However, younger people are also affected by this disease because of increasing obesity and overweight issues among young adults and children. 

Gestational Diabetes

Another very important type of diabetes occurs among females during their pregnancy. Pregnant women are captured by this type of diabetes because of an inadequate quantity of insulin or by pregnancy hormones. 

The good news is this type of diabetes is temporary in most cases and disappears after delivering the baby. However, in some cases, it does not go away and stays forever. 

Greater risks are found amongst children born by mothers who suffered from gestational diabetes during their pregnancy to capture by any type of diabetes at any stage of their life. 

What is the Condition of Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is also known as the impaired glucose tolerance. It is a stage through which most people pass before the occurrence of diabetes.

Is this Condition Curable?

Yes, it is curable, all you need to do is to get the best diet for diabetes and a physically active lifestyle to lower the chances of occurrence of diabetes. Further see below suggestions:

  • You can delay or prevent type II diabetes by incorporating physical activities in your routine especially if you are at a greater risk of getting into diabetes as an adult. 
  • Adding the best diet for diabetes like those of low carbs diet, you can attain a healthy lifestyle to manage prediabetes and avoid type II diabetes.
  • Get a customized meal plan for yourself by consulting a certified dietitian who can help in weight loss to manage the risks of diabetes. 

Symptoms of Diabetes 

Following is the list of symptoms that are commonly found in both type II and type I diabetes. However, keep in your mind that people suffering from type II diabetes may not have symptoms in most cases. However, some common symptoms are: 

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased feeling of tiredness 
  • Weight loss without any effort. 
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Increased urination 
  • Increased hunger 

How to Diagnose Diabetes?

If you noticed any of these symptoms contact your doctor or physician. Blood test and occurrence of any or all the symptoms discussed above helps to diagnosis diabetes. Moreover, there are three ways of testing your blood to check if you are a diabetic person or not:

  • Hemoglobin A1c
  • Oral glucose tolerance test 
  • Blood glucose/sugar (fasting)

Final Word

You should be well aware of diabetes, its symptoms and its prevention as it has become the most common disease. Proper treatment can save you from its adverse consequences so it is suggested to regularly visit your doctor to keep track of your health. 

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