All About Primary Health Care – Diabetes & Diabetes Prevention


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When we talk about primary health care, it includes everything. The people in charge should not only understand the history of the patient but should be also aware of the highs and lows of the medical condition of the patients. Primary health care Laurel st refers to the complete comprehensive care provision by the healthcare firm in the best possible way. The primary care services are designed in a way that patients get each and everything they need at a single stop. Keeping in mind the needs of a diverse community, the practices and services included generally offer everything from primary care, health and nutrition to diabetes management. Basically the primary care at Laurel got you covered with the most common medical conditions that one could think of.

Talking about diabetes, as we all know it is a condition that doesn’t allow the body to process the blood sugar and further causes the damage. Nowadays with the lifestyle that we are living, millions of people have been diagnosed with the same condition. The figure present between 30% to 35% of the total population signifies that managing things without primary health care Laurel st can be even more difficult than expected.

Types Of Diabetes

When we talk about the types, there are three basic types of diabetes that exist in society. And depending on the kind of diabeteic condition one is suffering from, management of the same takes place. You can not predict the exact age when one might get prone to diabetes. In many cases the problem exists from childhood while for others you get to know when a person is overweight or living an inactive lifestyle.

Type 1 Diabetes

It is juvenile diabetes that is found in bodies which fail to produce insulin. The people suffering from type 1 diabetes are dependent on artificial insulin. They are supposed to intake insulin on a daily basis through prescribed medications and injections in order to daty alive.

Type 2 Diabetes

This is the second type of diabetes. In this the way in which one’s body makes use of insulin is affected. Here the body is not dependent on artificial insulin but produces on its own. The only problem here is that the cells of the body are not responsive as they should usually do. This is quite a common type that is usually found in most people. Type 2 diabetes has a lot to do with obesity so be careful.

Gestational Diabetes

During pregnancies, a woman’s body becomes less sensitive to insulin. This is when gestational diabetes comes into action. It is not seen by every pregnant woman. And even if a woman suffers from the same, the condition gets resolved right after giving birth to the young one

Primary care physicians in Laurel, MD take in consideration every type of diabetic condition and make sure that it gets resolved at the earliest.

Exercise & Tips For A Healthy Life

No doubt a specialist can help the patients with the best lifestyle and manage the condition. But there are many basic things that can be done on an individual level as well. For example if one gets diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he or she will be asked to adapt the changes that support weight loss. Similarly here are a few more steps that can be taken to live a balanced life.

  • Eat healthy, fresh and a balanced diet that is away from any fat sources.
  • Avoid intake of food items that are high in sugar and have no nutritional benefits.
  • Avoid drinking more than one or two alcoholic drinks a day, if you are used to such drinks and can’t resist.
  • Engage yourself in 30 minutes of exercise daily.
  • Keep a check on your sugar levels.
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