A Guide to Abandoned Vehicle Towing: What You Need to Know

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If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of dealing with an abandoned vehicle, you know just how frustrating it can be. But what do you need to know about abandoned vehicle towing? Check out this guide for all the information you need. From where to find abandoned vehicles to how to go about getting them towed, we’ll cover it all! Keep reading for more information. TheĀ car towingĀ source may be a motorized landĀ vehicle, vessel, animal, or human, and the load being anything that can be pulled.Ā 

1. What Is An Abandoned Vehicle?

According to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, an abandoned vehicle is one that has been left on a highway for more than 48 hours and appears to be deserted. This includes all types of vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles and even bicycles! Under this definition, it’s possible for a car with full gas and new plates to be considered abandoned.

2. What Do I Need To Do Before Calling A Tow Company?

When you call a tow company, tell them what kind of vehicle you’re dealing with as well as its physical description (model year, color, license plate number). If there are any other distinguishing marks such as damage or rust spots, let them know this too. Asking these questions up front will save you and the towing company time once they get on-site.

IMPORTANT! The more information you can provide, the better. This makes it easier for the towing company to identify the vehicle and come up with a price quote before work even begins. It also helps them avoid misidentifying your vehicle as abandoned when it’s actually not – something that’ll cost you money or leave you stranded on the road longer than necessary!

3. What If I’m Not Able To Provide All This Information?

If you’re unable to obtain a complete description of the car in question, be sure to let whoever is coming out know about your limited knowledge prior to their arrival. You can call a company about an abandoned car but if you can’t provide enough detail (e.g., the license plate number), they may not be able to help you or, worse yet, they may tow your vehicle by mistake!

4. What Can I Do If I Think The Tow Company Has Towed My Vehicle By Mistake?

If you discover your vehicle is missing or it’s been towed, there are a couple things you can do. First off, if your car hasn’t actually been towed, call the owner of the property where you were parked to confirm whether or not they’ve moved your car for some reason. If they have no idea what you’re talking about or they say that the car is there just as it was before, let them know that someone may be in their area towing abandoned cars and mistakenly thinking theirs was one!

If your vehicle legitimately has been towed by mistake (e.g., through no fault of your own), try calling up whoever authorized its removal. Let them know that your car is not abandoned and shouldn’t have been towed. Be sure to ask for a refund if they’ve already taken your money.

5. What Does It Cost To Tow An Abandoned Vehicle?

Whether or not you can get your money back, be prepared for the price of towing an abandoned vehicle to be at least $100. This fee covers things such as:

  • -The gas it takes to drive out and identify the vehicle in question;
  • -Working with police if there’s any paperwork required;
  • -Most importantly, storage fees which can add up quickly! Parking a tow truck on site while identifying a car takes both time and fuel – two things that don’t come cheap! If you live in Toronto, parking fees alone could run you an extra $63.

6. How Long Does It Take To Tow A Vehicle?

The amount of time required to tow a vehicle really depends on the company and the situation. However, most companies can get your car onto their truck and out of there in less than an hour. If you no longer need the car (e.g., if it’s been stolen), make sure they don’t keep holding onto it for too long! Under normal circumstances, they’re only allowed to store an abandoned car for 48 hours before disposing of it or selling it at auction. Again, ask what the specific terms are for your area when dealing with such companies.

7. Where Does My Vehicle Go Once It’s Been Towed?

If your car is taken to a local impound lot or police station, you can pick it up free of charge (aside from the standard cost of towing and/or storage fees). If they take your vehicle past city limits, however, you’ll need to contact the company responsible for transporting it in order to set up payment. This will most likely be whichever tow truck removed your car in the first place.

8. Is There Anything I Can Do If My Vehicle Has Been Towed?

Yes! Here are two things that may help:

  • Make sure all windows and doors are locked before you leave;
  • Take pictures or video of where you parked; This helps when you’re trying to contest a ticket, win an insurance claim or prove your innocence after being charged with theft. 

9. How Do I Know If My Vehicle Has Been Towed?

Visit the impound lot and look for your vehicle – this is usually where you’ll find it after having had it towed. Alternatively, contact a towing company and ask if they removed your car from where you parked it or nearby. If so, then congratulations! Your car has most likely been towed! However, if your car isn’t there at all, call up whoever may have moved it (e.g., police) and ask them about its whereabouts. This could be another step-in tracking down where your car was taken to so be sure not to overlook anything!

Yes, abandoned vehicles can be a pain; however, we don’t need to let them get in our way. The least we can do is stay informed and know what to do when such a thing happens! This guide will help you through the process of identifying your car, finding where it’s been towed and most importantly seeking compensation for any loss or inconvenience that may have occurred. With this information in hand, getting your car back should be an easy task!

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